area of pm swelling

Hey guys having problem with my pm I've had it in for one year now. It's feels like its moving up near my collarbone and swelling feeling like a bee sting can't get comfortable at all. Does or have anyone had this problem? The only thing that helps it is icing it. Thanks for any input.


same thing happened to me

by chereescott - 2012-01-11 11:01:31

I paniaced and went to the ER. They told me that it is fairly common for a pacemaker to "shift" and even almost turn completely on it's side during sleep if you "lay on it funny" or during any type of activity. If this happens, it will become inflammed and be really sore and swollen. They told me that you should really be concerned if it has red streaks runnning away from the site or if you are running a fever. Still, if it isn't any better in a couple of days I would have it checked by a dr.

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