fingers crossed for pacer interrogation

Thursday 6/14, I'm getting my pacer interrogated to investigate rate and other "funky" issues. My pacer is firing during the refractory period, is sometimes lower than my set rate, it's undersensing, I'm having periods of atrial paced tachycardia, and ironically a PR prolongation despite being 99% paced.

I originally complained (and that was when I was at my wit's end) on May 24th. I'm finally getting this seen about and am not too happy about my doc's response or lack of.

I just hope to heck that I don't have something wrong with one of my leads, and this is something that a pacer "tweak" can fix.

Cross your fingers, and if you're a praying person- do that too!


crossed fingers

by kiml1123 - 2012-06-11 09:06:37

Good luck. Keep us posted


by Pookie - 2012-06-12 01:06:02

Hi Angelie:)

I will cross my fingers and my toes for yah.

I truly hope you can get some answers to your pacemaker issues; and I hope the answer lies in the settings.

Keep us posted.

Take care,

Let us know!

by Eve23 - 2012-06-12 04:06:51

I would love to hear the outcome, as I have been having very similar problems!! Good luck!

Me too!

by Janey L - 2012-06-12 12:06:58

Hi. I have a PM check this Thursday too (14th June), so I'll be thinking of you as well. Good luck, hope it goes well. Let us know.
Best wishes

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