New PM

Hi I have just had a PM implanted on the 12th May 2010 because my heart kept stopping & I kept feeling faint or passing out completely. This is all very new to me because I am very slim they punctured my lung partially during the op. Whilst on the operating table my heart stopped which gave the consultant a chance to see the problems I had been experiencing as I had found it hard to get people to listen until a couple of episodes were recorded on a monitor. I have not had a drain put in as they are hoping the lung will re inflate its self but I am having regular xrays to monitor the situation. The top of my shoulder is very painfull as that is where the air escaped into the other thing I seem to be experiencing is sudden hot sweats. I was not given any exercises to do with my arm I am using it to do light things but being carefull not to lift it above shoulder level. I wondered if anyone else had experienced these problems. Goldie



by wenditt - 2010-05-15 11:05:16

Welcome! I hope you find this site very helpful as I have for the past 8 months. There are many, many kind and wise people here.

I did not experience the same lung problems that you did. But I think your arm/should hurting is par for the course. Not only was it effected by your lung issue but the pacemaker surgery itself. I was told, don't lift my arm over my shoulder for 6 weeks, don't lift anything over 5 pounds. My leads set perfectly, but I did end up with a problem with my shoulder because I didn't really move i for so long. It's gotten better with using the bands at the gym and just lifting my daughter.

I am not surprised they didn't give you any exercises to do. Most of us are told to take it easy on that side for at least 6 weeks. This is to allow the leads to set in properly. I wouldn't do any exercises or lifting for at least that amount of time considering you had the problem with your lung.

I would call the doctor and double check the "rules" you have in your recovery. You may have some extra limitations than the rest of us considering your lung will need to heal as well.

So sorry you had such a cruddy experience like that. Best of luck to you with your recovery!

Wenditt've really had it rough.

by cruz - 2010-05-16 01:05:26

I'm very slim as well and hadn't even considered the possibility of them punturing a lung during the procedure. My discharge papers didn't tell me much. They had me watch a video. I was told not to lift the arm above the shoulder for 6-8 weeks, no lifting over 5 lbs, no reaching and pulling any weight to me, and no reaching with left arm behind me for things. I'm sure you have restrictions regarding the lung too. I was very sore, and the implant was very swollen for the first few weeks. It's been 11 weeks now and I can still feel a stetching feeling of the skin when I reach but the PM is settling in better. The scar is healing very nicely. Sleep was a big issue because I couldn't sleep in either side as it caused pain. I don't know what your diagnosis is so I can't say much more. I have dialated cardiomyopathy. Welcome. I'm sure you'll get loads of good information here and you should have a visit shortly with your EF and the tech will do a check on the equipment. Good luck with the lung situation too.

just saying hi!!

by Hot Heart - 2010-05-18 09:05:18

So sorry to hear youve had a bad time. Sorry I dont know anything about being thin (unfortunately) lol.

Seriously though I do hope that things get better for you soon.

There are some great people on here, loads of information and give great support, also good for a laugh when youre up to it as well.

Take care


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