Hi all!

Hi everyone! I am mother to a fantastic daughter (9) who received a medtronic device at UCLA when she was 5. She is a very sporty girl but does not currently play any sports except for school. I have a doctor who looks like a ken doll but is pretty sassy/bossy (as all young men can be..lol) and he told us initially that mary could not even play video games..we still think she cant play the ones that has the cord attaches to the tv here at my house but her dad says its ok and she plays mariocart just fine at his house. I think our doctor told us that because he doesant like kids to play too many video games! anyways, I dont know if Mary can play sports. She loves baseball and I was wondering if anyone would suggest on here that it is perfectly fine for her to play on a team. Her pacemaker if placed under her breast bone (first time doc did it that way) and I just was wondering..thx..Cin


not sure why the Dr said that

by edmondme - 2010-04-03 04:04:07

I am really puzzled why the doctor said that, it seems that most physicians are not aware of what can be done and not done. I was told that computers and electronics have no effect on PM/ICD devices. St Jude even mentions that in their brochure. I am a computer programmer, and I have had this for about 2 weeks and had no issues being near electronics.

The brochure however states that contact sports should be played with care. I don't play any such sports, but I checked with a nurse and she mentioned that after the recovery period of 6 weeks, if I had a major hit on my chest, such as a rugby or contact football match hit, she indicated that it would take a big hit for any damage. It's as if, a regular person playing those sports will have the same problem, as his chest would collapse.

So you should be positive with your daughter, first of all, let her play any games she wants. Second of all, after a few weeks of recovery, let her wear some chest protector and go out there and let her have some fun!


by suthbunny4 - 2010-04-03 07:04:08

Thanks! Its been a few years since she got her pacemaker, so I dont even know if a vest is appropriate. I was wondering if she actually can play any sports since the doctor gave me the impression aside from swimming, all contact sports are out. No horsebackriding..etc. I guess I will have to check with the medtronic site and see what they suggest. So as far as people on here, sports are ok, with adjustment? Like no sliding if baseball and obviously no contact football..?? Cin


by dw5281 - 2010-04-04 05:04:59

I'm a PE teacher & I join in everything with the kids in lessons - I play football (or soccer!), rounders, netball, i go in the gym, i run you name it I do it! I dont play rugby partly because of the contact & partlyt because I dont understand it!! I'm also a qualified trampoline coach & have a go whenever i can get on it - though i'm careful! I can safely play computer games & love wii fit (I checked before i bought one & its fine!) The only thing I try to avoid is lifting heavy things - I had a bit of an incident & ended up in A & E - don't really want to repeat that!!


by suthbunny4 - 2010-04-04 12:04:39

Thanks!! I will feel more confident about looking into putting her into ayso softball. She really wants to join!! Thank you everyone..Ill update..Cin

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