My first message on the PM club site :-)

Hi everybody,

I am a French woman and was so happy to find this site on PM where we can share our "daily issues".

My first message, I am afraid, will be quite long ... but be sure I will be shorther on my next messages :-).

I had my PM implant on Jan 28th, 2010 as my heart was stopping 15 times withn 24 hours for more than 3 seconds. So that's for sure the PM is saving my life. The only problem was I was still passing out even with my PM... without loosing conscience but being like a "vegetable" during 2 hours . So my cardiologist gave me a treatment that unfortunately brings me tachycardia ... so I just had the impression that I was running a marathon all day long (good but tyring ....). My "real heart" was thus really tired and I had more and more difficulty to breath. Cardiologist gave me some beta bloquants to "regularise " the situation.
Cardiologist thought it was also due to "stress" and post depression as the diagnostic for my PM was quite quick and as I am still "quite young" (so to say, I am 44 years old) ...In addition, the scar as the pm itself were very painful and I could not move my arm until 15 days ago. And also, I really think, most of us need time to accept the PM ...
then, one week ago, I asked for a cardiac echography and they told me I have water all around my heart that gives me consequently difficulty to breath and also to walk : can you imagine I can not walk more than 10 minutes ? So I have now another treatment to take out the water and the process apparently is quite long.

Does anybody experience the same situation ? You know, I am a very positive woman, very energetic and very activ, enjoying the life at 250% , married and having a wonderful 16 years old son (teenager period :-)) and nevertheless feel like a very old woman as my body is not following. I feel a little bit alone with my PM , I have to admit , I can feel it each second , that's for sure I can not forget it !!!

KIndly tell me if you also did experience the same situation and how long does it take .... I know each human being is unique ...

I wish you a wonderful day or evening !!
Warm regards from Paris,


Breaking down

by wenditt - 2010-03-30 05:03:13

I can only comment on the feelings that your body is breaking down. I too feel that way sometimes. I am 33 and got my PM 7 months ago. I was passing out as well but the PM fixed that. Now I just deal with the fear and insecurities that "having" a PM brings me. I'm coming around though. :-)

I too was given the shock of a lifetime and very little notice about my implant.

Keep your positive attitude. I truly believe that's more than 1/2 the battle. You found this you are NOT alone.

You may come to find one day that the more comfortable you are with your situation, the more comfortable you will be with your PM....and one day you might realize that you haven't thought about it all day.

I don't think about mine everyday. And I purposefully try not to. I am a constant thinker! I try to occupy myself with bigger and better things.

Your body is still healing too. It hasn't been that long since your implant so the physical feelings of it and the scare you got are very much with you on a daily basis. But your body will heal...and so will your mind.

There are others who will chime in I am sure...and tell you what wonderful and productive lives they have with their PM. They don't let it stop them from doing anything.

Best of luck with the fluid round your heart. Hopefully when they alleviate will be able to move on.

God Bless,

Welcome From Arkansas

by qwerty - 2010-03-30 05:03:36

Welcome to the Pacemaker Board. This is about the best group of folks you will ever find and they are from all over the world. I got my PM just a few days before you did (1/25). But I am a lot older than you. I too was shocked because I didn't know I needed it, but the old heart had just slowed down so slow and it needed a kick to get going.
My arm was very sore after the implant. I had decided they broke my collar bone it was so sore, but it didn't last as long as yours did. By 3 weeks when I went back to work, The soreness was better and I now have full movement. It is still weaker than the other side, but that is getting better as well. Still lots of itching at the scar.
As for the water around your heart, I have not had anything like that, but you will get good information from this site. Just remember that everyone heals at their own pace. If you have questions, write them down and be sure and ask your Doctor. I know it is hard sometimes, but this site helped me with my questions and when my Dr saw I had a list, he actually sat down and answered all my questions. Before that, he was fixing to escape quickly.
Again, welcome to this site. Check back often and read the posts. You can also do a search on the site and maybe find some more specific information. I found this helpful when I was wanting to know if I could use the Wii Fit.
Have a good day and hope you get to feeling better.

Welcome from British Columbia Canada

by The Fish - 2010-03-30 07:03:39

Hi, I am so glad you found this group. I just had my PM implant about 2 weeks ago. It all happened very suddenly with me too. This group has been so helpful and caring. Any question or concern I have posted has been met with numerous replies and suggestions. I went through a Panic attack this past Sunday and believe me that is not anything I thought would ever happen to me. Again, this group was great for me to understand and accept what was happening. Anyway, enough rambling from me.Welcome to the group and all the best to you. Hope you are feeling great soon.
Howard (thefish)


by ro - 2010-03-30 07:03:51

I understand how difficult it is to have the pacemaker implanted when you had no idea that you would need it. I had mine implanted three weeks after my youngest daughter died suddenly. It was very distressing and I hated to have this foreign thing in my body. After a while you will get used to it and even forget you have it sometimes. After I joined this site, I learned of people who are much younger than I am, even children, who have pacemakers, so now I don't feel so alone. It's just the way it has to be. Good luck to you.

Welcome to the club!

by Dwight - 2010-03-30 09:03:42

I see you are having some difficulty and I just hope everything goes well for you and you start to show some improvement. I had my PM implanted just 17 days ahead of you so I can relate to some of your problems. Things will get better for you and keep posting, The support here has helped me so much. Good luck


by thomast - 2010-03-30 11:03:23

They will probable give you a shot of lasix, then just stay close to the bathroom. and you will get rid of the water, Then they will give you lasix pills to take.


Welcome From TEXAS ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-03-30 11:03:54

You have found the right place to join. The PM members will help you out with their own experiences, their great knowledge and their wealth of being able to make you feel better.

You and only you and your body know what you feel and need. Always listen to what your body is saying.

Glad you joined the PM Club. This Club is the bestest place, and I have found so many new friends from all over the World.

Let us hear more from you ~
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Bear Hugs to All

Thank you

by Chrissie2116 - 2010-03-31 05:03:50

Dear All,
A special thank to Qverty, Wenditt, the fish, Ro, Dwight, Thomas and Carolyn65 for your so kind answers. I am ... impressed and was so touched this morning when I saw your messages on my iphone while going to work. It gave me some energy and I had the impression I could walk ... 12 minutes (was 10 yesterday so ... improving :-)).
It is really a great support and I really appreciate it. It is important for me, as well as for all of us to be able to share our queries with people like you, who understand what we are talking about. We do not need anybody who will complain on us,, we just need people who can understand.
I still have one question ... how long does it take to get really well ? I know a human being can differ from each other, but approximately should I consider 3 to 6 months ?

Again thank you so much for your postings ... You did make me very happy and smiling early this morning :-)
All the best & take care,

You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.