Pulled Muscle

I had my CRT-D moved in May and have been doing fine, just trying to get my arm back to normal and the device settled in, however, this morning I raised my left arm and something popped right on the muscle that runs beside the underarm. I wondered if it might have been a lead breaking?? Can anyone tell me if you feel any pain when a lead breaks or could it just be I pulled the muscle up too hard?


Re: Pacemaker Popping

by Lars - 2010-07-24 12:07:09

First off you shouldn't be wasting time asking this question here ... if anyone with a pacemaker experiences anything " popping " in the area of their pacemaker site ... go get it checked out at your doctors ... not scare-mongering ... just being sensible ... what I can add to that is ... if you are experiencing the same symptoms as you did before you had your pacemaker put in ... then yes maybe you have done something to a lead ... if you have muscle twitch in the pacemaker site, or any other symptoms then again yes ... Always get it checked out at your doctors first ... look after that heart of yours and it will look after you ! lars, www.cardiacathletes.org

You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

Member Quotes

It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.