arm swelling

Been a competitive swimmer most of my life. Very slow heart beat finally led to the pacemaker in 2008. Surgeon knew that I swam and encouraged me to go right back to it after healing. Been back swimming hard for 1 1/2 years. Lately, my right upper arm (pacer is on the right side)swells during practice to the point that my bicep looks like the Hulk's when practice is over. Have had two different types of scans to see what is going on. Everything looks OK and pacer and leads are fine. Doc thinks that the pacer is somehow impeding flow of fluids back into the chest while swimming hard, but says that I am Ok to practice. Any one experience similar problems when exercising? OldImer


just a thought

by aldeer - 2010-01-18 04:01:30

I swim about six days a week not competitively..have pm on left left-handed with single lead to ventricle and 3rd degree heart block. Because I was told that if your pm is near the clavicle there can be a strain on the lead wire, I now do the pulling of my stroke with my right arm and very little with the left (just go thru the motions). I had 3 episodes of a very sharp cramp right near the wire (i can feel the wire) so stopped immediately. It has gone away. Perhaps if you could change your stroke a little and just see if it helps the swelling. Wishing you nothing but the best of luck for we know how important swimming is for our health. aldeer

Just a guess/suggestion...

by Pookie - 2010-01-18 06:01:08


Could you ask your family doctor or cardiologist to give you a CT's a CT scan with dye.

Perhaps you have a partial blockage?????

I'm only suggesting this as a friend of mine had a similar problem with his leg (calf area)...when he didn't play baseball he was fine, but after running around the basis, his leg would swell ~ it turned out to be a partial blockage/clot.

Good luck,

Swelling of arm with swimming

by Selwyn - 2010-01-18 06:01:40

I would suggest you consider the thoracic outlet syndrome as a cause. ( Discuss with your doctor.
Maybe a good sports physio can help?
Aldeer suggest altering your stroke- extreme extension of the arm ( as in competitive front crawl) is more likely to cause this syndrome.

Burning by PM on ledt side.

by anne1938 - 2010-01-19 09:01:00

I try to swim everyday because of back pain and hip ops. I manage to swim back stroke rather well and do so for 1 solid hour. I don't know how many laps that is but it is a lot of ups and downs. I notice burning by the PM and there is a lump w/swelling but the doctor says because this is my second PM, it would be three cuts into the pm pocket and it could become infected if they tried to move wires. I am 71 and I do not need any more problems so I decided to just keep swimming and enjoy it. I believe it is much healther than being cut open. I have had the 2nd pm for three years now and I will wait until they have to put another one in before changing wires. Swimming is the best exercise--for my breathing and every part of thre body; plus, I am an ice creamalholic and I can eat some every night and not feel guilty because I swim it off the next day.


by aldeer - 2010-01-19 11:01:46

Actually I meant not estreme extension but less use of that arm and doing the work with the non pacemaker side. Whatever it is, sure hope it is corrected soon and that you are able to continue with that wonderful world of swimming! aldeer

damage to lymphatic system?

by Hot Heart - 2010-01-24 02:01:54

This can cause arm or leg odema. HH

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