Did I have panic attack?

Since I am very new to these feelings I came to the place where I know I can get some answers.

My visiting nurse was here yesterday and even though I had severe pain and pressure in my chest all vitals were great. Because I suffer from fibromyalgia she said that the pain is much more exaggerated.

Well today I ventured out with my sister to the supermarket and while walking around I started to feel as though my heard was going to pound out of my chest. My pulse felt a little racy and I started to feel kind of sick. I took a deep breath and waited a while and then felt much better.

I had these weird kind of feelings previous to the pacemaker from my bradycardia and 2nd degree av block. So I am not sure if what I experienced was a panic attack. I know that these can happen without warning when you go through what all of us have. I don't want to start running to emergency rooms when it could be as simple as panic. I also have not gotten much sleep and made the mistake yesterday of drinking some pepsi with caffeine.

Let me know what you think. Thanks.


Yes, it was a panic attack!!!

by MAXI1439 - 2010-02-09 03:02:02

Just got home from spending the night at the ER. Thought it was the best place to be since I don't know how to deal with the heart pounding and rapid pulse. They called in the tech to check the pacemaker. Leads were great and so was everything else.

So it turns out it was a panic attack. Sent me home with prescription for Xanax. Will follow up with my primary care physician this week and get referral for psychologist to get this under control without meds if possible.

Until you are in situations like these you just don't understand what someone goes through. My love goes out to all who have faced this same issue. Hope you are all doing well. Once again thanks for being here.

Yes, Panic attacks do happen.

by johng - 2010-02-09 08:02:16

I also experienced 'anxiety' attacks in the period after having my PM. fitted. I was lucky to have a Doctor who was familiar with some of the after-effects of PM. Surgery.

Your body does take time to recover from any surgery.
The additional worry of a Heart problem can cause us to link the symptoms and start to panic. The good news is, it gets better with time.
I was able to cope by taking a mild sedative, but I am still surprised by my inclination to overreact to a muscle pain or a slight feeling of indigestion.
Keep reminding yourself that you are as healthy as before, but now have a great helper built-in.
Best Wishes for the future,

You know you're wired when...

You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.

Member Quotes

I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.