Lead Replacement

My first pm was 9/11/09. By the end of the year, I had to have both leads replaced. Seems they "slipped" and were no longer tightly connected. They explained that this was using up the battery at 3X's the rate.

I had the second surgery on 2/18/10 and it was much, much easier than the first, both physically and mentally. Is it unusual to have to have a procedure repeated within four months?



pm replacement

by jerrypacemaker - 2010-03-10 10:03:33

Yes very unusal to replace a PM in 4 months. Your PM should last about 7 years.


by sam78 - 2010-03-10 11:03:03

I had to have my lead replaced just 6 weeks after I got it placed as it dislodged as well. Unfortunately those leads can be a real pain in the arse until they get "seeded" or grown into place. If you dont have good lead position then they have to turn the juice up which depletes the battery quickly. Hopefully this new lead will work better for you. Good luck


by Tracey_E - 2010-03-11 06:03:03

Yes it's unusual, but no it's not unheard of either. As sam78 said, sometimes they just aren't in a good position and they have to be moved, sometimes they start in a good position but don't stay attached. The heart is a moving, working muscle and the leads are placed remotely by xray. When I think about it, I'm amazed they ever get it right first try! Good luck, hoping this is your last surgery for a while.

same here

by macoymom - 2010-06-02 12:06:03

had bout same here ... lead slipped out in first six mos and had to have it done again :( sorry to hear that it does happen but i am parying these leads will last for yrs and not mos this time :)

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I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.