heart rate

My heart rythm will not exceed 80 without my being ill. I feel awful when I exert myself. The doctor and pacer rep tweaked the rate response mechanism, but that hasn't helped. The last time I pushed myself (I lifted a little weight and pushed my rythmn up) I had little shocks for 10 hours after. Lying down and resting helps eventually. I am fine now. Any suggestions?


heart rate

by Pookie - 2009-11-14 09:11:43


You say that you feel "ill" when it goes over 80? Do you get dizzy? Nauseated? ???? Please explain ill and awful.

And do you have a pacemaker or a defib or a combo?

What is your upper limit set at?

Can you ask your doctor to set up up for a stress test so they can actually see what your heart is doing during activity/exercise. That might help answer some questions.


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