
it would be great if anyone had any imformation about wolf parkinson white syndrome and can it run in familys


some info

by DC Pacer - 2009-11-12 08:11:08



The extra electrical pathway of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is present at birth. An abnormal gene (gene mutation) is the cause of a small percentage of cases of the disorder. Otherwise, little is known about why this extra pathway develops. -Mayo Clinic

I had WPW and it was corrected through an ablation; post ablation I developed recurrent SVT. I had an SVT ablation and ended up with a compromised AV node pathway leading to 3rd degree heart block. Ended up with a pacemaker.

The WPW abnormality is usually understood to be present at birth. I know of a family where the aunt and her nephew (son of her blood sister) both have WPW. The aunt's sister does not have WPW, but the sister's son does. I personally believe that some cases are genetic, but others are caused through viral infections that end up "embedded" in the heart tissue.

Hope this helps.



by chris 87 - 2009-11-13 07:11:16

i just found out the other day dat my grandad had wpw and my dad has it i dont live wit my dad and it was my granny dat told me they had it and i look up some info last nyt and the sympontys are the same y i was blackin out and bein dizzy and other things ..and my doctors could never really put their finger on wats wrong wit me thanks dc pacer 4 gettin back to me .. i must say tell my doctor the next time i have to c him wat i found out thanks again dc

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