any day now please

Hi everybody, I hope all is well enough. I have a quick question. I got my PM on Aug 21 and it is still tender and hurts a lot. And red. Is this normal. Here's the infamous question "when will it stop hurting". Its like being kicked by a horse. Please if you all can remember how long it took to take hold and not feel like the center of attention please let me know. Thank You so much for your input diane


Infection ????

by buttercupad65 - 2009-10-24 07:10:47

No, If it is red, it could mean it is infected. Needs to be checked out by a Dr. ASAP.


Pain "When"

by donb - 2009-10-24 09:10:01

Hi Diane, Pain can really be a "pain". I've had 4 PMs' over the last 17 years and am still a "wimp" as my Cadriologist calls me. I'm a skinny one so it originally took a couple months for the pain to ease. With each replacement the pain level would be less. My last was a complete right chest stallation and was a piece of cake.
I did learn what real pain was when I had shoulder rotor cuff surgery, the "mother" of pain as a nurse told me that it paralled the pain of childbirth. Of course, mothers have the advantage of not remembering that route. I might also mention I had 2 surgeries on left old site area restoration and the plastic surgeon did padding over the old leads which really feels good. I wonder why this isn't done on under the skin PM installations as it sure would help with the head banging of holding little children as this becomes painfull. Also took away the seatbelt hassle as driver left chest problem. DonB


by Carolyn65 - 2009-10-24 11:10:22

Yes, you must see your Dr. This many moons after your implant and still red and sore, should not be. Your symptoms sound like my first 2 weeks after my implant. My implant was 10/2/09. I am sure you did what you were told to do and I, what I was told to do. I concentrated on exactly what my Dr/hospital nurse had said, do not touch implant area for any reason, do not put arms above heart, do not lift. Keep left arm (implant side) moving & use for light "stuff" to make sure my arm/shoulder did not "freeze" up. Do not get wet for the first few days and the stitches were of the dissolvable kind. If I got nothing else done, I concentrated on exactly what I was told. Now, I did have one of the best cardiologist/EP/surgeons, my scar right below my collar bone is very minimal, almost not there. I can see it, but I am not sure anyone else would recognize it.
About 2 1/2 weeks after implant, I realized there was not anymore "pulling" nor pain in the implant area. In fact, I already, after 3 weeks, forget it is there until I accidentally "brush" it with my hand/fingers & feel "it".

Countryriders2: Maybe you have a small infection the Dr. could catch now before it turns into something.
Best to ya', Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ GO UT HORNS!

ok I'll go

by countryriders2 - 2009-10-25 09:10:20

Thank you for all your advise. I might go kicking and screaming but I'll go to the Doc.

i hear you loud an clear

by patsy - 2009-11-29 12:11:42

hi my name is patsy an i had my pm 10 / 28 an i am still sore as well gets like a burning feeling on my top left sholder or like a stinging feeling it drives me crazy i puy some heat compresses on it helps but if it real sore i put ice when we will get back to normal i hear alot of pm on here that are like fine why are we still sore an miserable please let me no if you have any of my symtoms ever please share with me i have been much better before i got this thing it was a schock to me when i went into hospital for the flu i had double pnemonia an my heart was pausing one week later they said i needed apm as soon as possible

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