Strange thoughts entering...

my mind. I was all ready to golf this morning. I practiced yesterday and all was fine. I thought about playing 18 holes. I had no one to play with this morning so I would just go it alone. I've done this before the Pacer. This morning was different. A terrible dream last night-In short I was picked up with my mom by 2 murderers, 2 dead people in the back seat. I carry so I took care of both of the guys...gun control, yeah right! Anyway I thought 18 may be a bit much the first time so I figured 9. Then I began to think...if playing alone what if...what if...what if something happens out there. Paranoid.

So give me your input. Play alone or not? I don't have 1/yr. yet with the pacer. All has been fine. I've practiced, trained with weights, shot hoops. Whats your thoughts? What are we in store with for now after the Pacer. Has anyone had anything, example blocks, blackouts, CHF Congestive Heart failure.

So I'm sitting here, it's wet outside...excuses...If I don't play I'll go to the range...close& safer!


P.S. my Gman name has NOTHING to do with government for those who asked. I'm self employed.


Go Fore it !!! (LOL)

by Pookie - 2010-03-22 02:03:15

I sometimes catch myself playing the "what if" game too.

If I don't push myself to do things by myself, then I end up feeling sorry for myself and a bit guilty.

I totally understand that sometimes it's scary, but we've only got one life to live - so do what you can, when you can.

It's just frustrating that some of us now think first of our heart situation as before we would tackle an activity.

But it sure does feel good when you can get out and do what you want and sometimes even forget about your device!!! Those are the days I appreciate the most.

Take care,


Play 18

by COBradyBunch - 2010-03-22 02:03:35

Play 18... if your walking even better as long as you are up for the longer walk. Hell, if I can ride my bike up alone up Lookout Mountain which is 45 minutes of 90+% heart rate I think that you are okay on a golf course. Of course that means as long as your doc says it is okay.

I figure I am just as likely to die driving in rush hour traffic as I am riding my bike and you know what, if I go riding my bike, hiking or doing something else I love at least I will go happy.

live your life... no matter what

by pacergirl - 2010-03-22 03:03:10

Hello Gary,
I understand what you are saying.... I used to think this way myself. I soon gave it up after I realized that my life had been put on hold while I was thinking about what I should or shouldn't do! That was when I got on with the business of living!!! It is a great way to fill my days, doing whatever I wish.

Right now I am in my 50's and actually at this time in my life I am learning about the printing business so I can make a decision to buy or continue renting space. My health is not in question, but my desire to work very hard at anything is in question. Do I wish to have fun, do I wish to work hard, or do I want/can do both????

What I'm trying to say is... go ahead and get on with the business of living your life any way you see fit. You will be fine. :-)

Last summer I went rappelling, did a Zip Line Tour though a jungle and snorkeled in the sea with the fish! and that was just one trip, I went on 3 sep. vacations.

Oh and I know that Gman stands for Gary man... kinda like Pacer Girl doesn't mean that i am a girl... because I am way past being just a girl. he hehheheh There, I have made myself laugh... My goodness it is a GREAT DAY to be alive.

hugs to all of you!
pacergirl, aka PG, aka Susie, aka Tim's wife, aka Bubbles

Live your life...

by COBradyBunch - 2010-03-22 03:03:36

One of my favorite quotes since implant has been:

"Will you look back on life and say, 'I wish I had,' or 'I'm glad I did'?"

I am planning on being glad I did.

Play alone

by sln - 2010-03-22 04:03:23

I'm guessing that playing alone is safer for you now than it was before! In my case, the only restriction my doctor noted was that I shouldn't swim alone, but that was based on my history of fainting BEFORE the pacemaker. And any good boy or girl scout knows that no one should ever swim alone, anyway. But golf shouldn't be an issue. Go for it!

Just DO IT!!!

by harley63 - 2010-03-22 08:03:48


Hi.. my take... JUST DO IT!! Ya' know, play it safe.. tell someone your plans, take a cell phone and take fluids to stay hydrated. But by all means get out there and do it!!

I bought a Harley 6 months after being blessed with my pacer. It's now a Harley Trike as yes, I crashed it! Thinking that life was passing me by.. so I got out there and got to living!! And.. I'm really glad that I'm living life to the fullest!

Keep us posted on how that Golf game goes..

Zoom.. zoom...

Why golf?

by ccmoore - 2010-03-22 11:03:04

You are not going to live forever. We all got to go sometime. The golf course is a good place to die.

Years ago I worked for a guy who died on the golf course one Sunday while playing in a foursome.

Go for it. Play and enjoy!


Re: GMan

by LS - 2010-03-22 11:03:05

I say go play!!
I totally understand those paranoid thoughts entering our mind & "growing." LOL We need to push them aside & live. Enjoy a beautiful day on the golf course.
Always have proper ID on your person.

what if

by Tracey_E - 2010-03-22 11:03:18

What if something happens when you're home alone? Go for it and play your game! Life's too short to live it paranoid. It's not like no one else would be on the course if something were to happen. I wear a medical alert and keep a cell phone with me, but do not live in fear of something happening when I'm out alone.

I understand

by JessiWay - 2010-03-22 12:03:29

I fully understand the paranoia, too. My PM went in about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I am going to start training next week , hopefully for a half marathon...if not for a 10K, and I find myself feeling fear about running too far from my house. So I push it away & move past it. I will not allow this PM to change my life in a negative way, it is here to help make he quality of my life better. So is yours. Move past it, enjoy life!
Have a fabulous day!

Play Gman

by walkerd - 2010-03-23 06:03:23

Dont give into your paranoid side of brain. After what I went thru 2 years ago if I would have listened to the what if side the brain and not some good friends on here pushing me I would be a veggie awaiting the what ifs..... seriously Gary youll be fine my friend play, enjoy the day on the course cause thats what it takes me to play 18 with a cart all day lol ahahhahahaha. I went on my fourth month aniverysery of my open heart and I guess it was the third month after my pm/defib implant. Im stil here typeing you a messege.

Dude have fun nothing is going to happen and if it does does it really matter if your on the course or at home by yourself.
have fun man

Thank all...

by GMan - 2010-03-23 10:03:16

I slowly drove to the steakhouse yesterday-a good steak always revs me up-and sat there. With golf courses east, west, north, south I decided which way to go. The sun was shining, it stopped raining. After a great lunch and still paranoid I drove east. I stopped at the driving range and hit a bucket of balls. I felt fine and decided that I will play next time regardless.

Thanks for all your help. What a great bunch on here! I guess we all fall of the wagon now and then. I will not waste any more time thinking strange thoughts. While the day wasn't a complete waste-I did get to the driving range-I will play next time.

Thanks again!


I ride my LeMonde bike

by FirstDuely - 2010-03-24 04:03:49

And I ride alone many times for 50 to 60 miles and I really enjoy the piece and quiet. It is really relaxing at the same time as it is a workout. Paranoid? That would be two computer geeks....
Go do your 18 and think as I think: If I go suddenly I want to be doing something I enjoy at that moment. Live your life like you want not like doctors and drug companies want you to. My doc always asks me when will I just slow down. I don't intend to do that so he says okay, enjoy. Why not 36 holes in a day? I plan to do a 100 mile ride one day, hopefully before noon.
Enough!! I'm going to go ride right now, alone. See you down the road somewhere.
Paced in Hemet

You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

I am not planning on letting any of this shorten my life. I am planning on living a long happy battery operated life. You never know maybe it will keep me alive longer. I sure know one thing I would have been dead before starting school without it.