implanted loop recorder...actually worked

I've had the thing in since september 17th, but early this morning I finally had symptoms that I recorded with the patient assist device. After calling the office and finally finding someone who knew what I was talking about (people kept saying "are you sure you have an implanted loop recorder?", duh?) I went in and had it interrogated in the PM clinic. The clinic person went and got the EP from lunch to come and look at the was that good.
So, now the recommendation is another mapping and ablation attempt, at a different hospital with different equipment...I said that I needed time to think about it before I could agree to schedule it. The last one was aweful, but I want this fixed. So, if I'm brave enough I'm calling on Monday to schedule this for maybe the second week in December. (and I'm moving, and I'm working on collecting data for my dissertation, and I can't drive)

The "funny" thing was that I've been waiting for symptoms but haven't had any...but was paying my cardiologist's bill online, after putting it off for a bit...and 5 minutes later it happened.

I'm wondering if I pay the hospital bill if the next ablation attempt will be successful? :-)


Paying bill

by ElectricFrank - 2009-11-15 01:11:57

Maybe you found the source of the problem. G(:


Loop Recorder

by Greg in ME - 2009-11-17 02:11:47

I’m glad your LR worked and they could record the problem. My recorder probably saved my sanity. I was occasionally passing out and ALL the cardiac diagnostics were negative – all the other diagnostics too for that matter. No driving, which was a major annoyance since it looked as if I’d have to cancel a motorcycle trip to South Dakota last August that I’d been planning with friends for months. Anyway the LR identified the problem and I became a member of this club, in time to make it to South Dakota!
When they were about to implant my pacemaker I joked that I’d like to have the loop recorder to carry on my motorcycle, since I thought it was good luck. I’d forgotten all about that request until five months later I got a small package from Medtronics. It contained a black velvet bag with the loop recorder inside, engraved with my name and the date, plus a very nice letter. It now rides in the tour-pack on my motorcycle.

I routinely encounter patients (I work in healthcare) who are in situations where a loop recorder may be indicated and now always advise them to pursue it if their provider has suggested one as part of their treatment plan. Good luck with everything! I hope the ablation works out this time.

You know you're wired when...

You prefer rechargeable batteries.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.