
Does anyone know if i can book a holiday today only five and a half after pace maker fitted ? Have got my hospital check this Thursday but have seen a bargain and want to book it now, dare I risk it .



by Hot Heart - 2009-08-04 02:08:32

I flew to Portugal 3 weeks after i got my pm, no problems at all.

All depends how you feel

by Angelie - 2009-08-04 03:08:13

I rode in a car 300 miles to get back home from my pacemaker surgery.
As long as you follow your doctor's orders and you feel up to traveling, by all means go. If I had my rathers, I would have loved to recouperate while on vacation instead of returning back to work 3 days after my implant.
The usual NO- NO's:
No driving for two weeks...
No lifting anything over 5 pounds with the affected arm.
No raising the affected elbow past your shoulder level for 6 weeks.
Carry your temporary pacemaker ID card with you and your current pacer settings.

Have fun....good for you....go take on the world.

Feeling well Go for it.

by i_nurse99 - 2009-08-04 08:08:16

It depends on how well you are feeling. Just remember to follow your doctors instructions reguarding driving, lifting affected arm and lifting with affected arm. Don't over do it, rest when you are tired. A holiday may be just what you need at this time. Enjoy.

Booking that holiday

by Val - 2009-08-06 04:08:21

Thanks for your response regarding booking a holiday and sorry it was 5 and a half weeks after surgery not years , decades etc lol. Well I booked it off to majorca on saturday !!! and can't wait. Thanks for your quick replys.

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