Follow up care

My pacemaker was implanted in June 2009 so I've had it just long enough to become real frustrated with the pacemaker clinic at my cardiologist office. I've had 2 remote pacemaker checks and have no idea what kind of information they get from these checks. I called the nurse at the pacemaker clinic and she told me "if we didn't call you then everything is fine". Well I am a dialysis nurse and we teach and encourage our patients to ask lots of questions, so since this is new to me I asked questions. The pacemaker nurse put me on hold and then came back on the line and said "everything is fine and your next pacemaker check will be in May, have a nice day." I know she didn't look anything up, and oh boy when I see the doctor I intend to let him know just how unhappy I am about this. Does anyone know what kind of information is gathered by the remote pacemaker check?



by Tracey_E - 2010-02-15 07:02:03

Ask them to mail you a copy of the report. It will say how much you are pacing, if there have been any incidents, what your thresholds are.


by dottodot - 2010-02-15 08:02:05

Just tell them that's unacceptable and you want an actual copy of the report. As I understand they should be able to collect the same information as actually going into the clinic but can't make changes. Are you far away because you could say that you want your pacemaker interrogated in the clinic? I have a home monitor and wasn't really pleased when they called and gave me the wrong information-said my atrial lead was pacing 75% when it was pacing 98%+ and that's why you need reports. I'm going to do phone transmission in April but will demand to have a clinic interrogation in July. The other issue for me is that they can't clear memory of rhythm issues over the phone so I want to keep track on that. They're monitoring afib and episodes of vtach for me. Good luck. Even though I also am a nurse the people on this site have really helped. By the way I know you know that stupid comment if it's not fine we'll notify you is not always true.

Phone monitoring

by bzymom320 - 2010-02-15 10:02:40

I was just implanted one week ago. My doctor said he doesn't do phone monitoring anymore because they are not as accurate. I understood him to say that "they" are doing away with them as a whole. Guess I misunderstood that one. Since you are a nurse you know how things work in the medical community and how sometimes (no offense intended) corners are cut by very busy nurses or receptionist. Be your own advocate and call back, ask for a report and an earlier appointment. Don't be afraid to be a little more aggressive. They will get over it. You can be aggressive and nice too. :)

Of course, I may be looking back and eating my own words in a few weeks. LOL


by Hot Heart - 2010-02-18 04:02:25

Nearly choked on my Tia Maria when I just read this! Take a look at my thread about 'interrogation '

Followup Care

by roy22791 - 2010-03-10 11:03:12

I have had my Medtronic defib for just over 6 years. I go to my cardiologist office every 90 days for the checkup on the defib device. The nurse who does this tells me, in detail, about the condition of the leads (always good), any irregular events (never had any)
how much is being done to the top and bottom chambers, and what the battery condition is! So far the battery is down by 1 tenth of a volt.
I cannot imagine your problem at all - I would consider getting to a better specialist who trains his people better.

You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is intact and working great.