Problems faced

I have pacemaker since September 2009. I continue to have uneven heart rate. The heart rate is high while asleep. I used to have continuous pain on the left side of my pacemaker. Sometime it is tolerable and some times it is not tolerable and I am not able to do any thing. Recently I found that whenever I lift my left hand, the pulse rate jumps from 80 to 120. Doctors and PM techs are not able to solve this problem.

Can any one suggest best hospital in Chennai- India to solve my problem.


You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.