Tough day...

For those of you who have been following my training you might remember today was the day I had been training for since I had my PM put in last June. I was going to be riding my bike on the Colorado Triple Bypass ( Instead I am watching the first day of climbing for the TDF after an SUV driver decided to try and make me and my bike a hood ornament. Needless to say I am sort of down for the first time in many months.

Yesterday I did have my first appointment with my PT and the news is not good. Lots and lots of work ahead and we even found some new things we hadn't known about before. In his opinion based upon my pain levels and some tests he did I do have at least one broken rib, at least a grade 2 MCL injury, the broken fibula of course, large hematomas in both thighs (my right one he has never seen one like it and is trying to figure out the best way to treat it), work ahead on both hips, a bone in my ankle that is not where it should be that will need to get coaxed back to where it needs to be, shoulders that need work and a bunch of soft tissue damage that will take a lot of ultrasound and massage to get it to heal. 3 days a week I will be in PT with a bunch of work on my own that I will have to do.

That is the bad news... the good news is that this morning I will start actually exercising again... very light but still it means I can finally start doing something to help myself get better again. Very light resistance on a recumbent bike (the huge hematoma on my right thigh with keep me off a regular bike for weeks at least) and some work in the pool.

Anyway, I have as of today one full year to be in EVEN BETTER SHAPE for next year's Triple Bypass. Wish me luck. I want to prove to everyone of my coworkers, friends and neighbors that having a pacemaker doesn't mean I am an invalid and that we can do everything and more than our non-battery assisted friends.


oh no!

by Tracey_E - 2010-07-10 04:07:22

I'm so sorry you were hurt!!! I know how hard you've been working to get ready for the Triple Bypass. Wishing you a speeding recovery and terrific race next year.

First steps forward

by COBradyBunch - 2010-07-10 07:07:04

Got 3 miles in on the recumbent bike and 40 minutes of work in the pool today (just striding, squats, high stepping, all with little or no weight on my legs as the water kept me boyant). It ALL hurt but at least I am starting to move again. Haven't been this tired after just over an hour of zone 1-2 working out since I started recovering from my pacer surgery. Still, it is a start.

you have a great attitude

by Hot Heart - 2010-07-11 03:07:48

You get a knock you get straight back up - well done!


4.75 miles today on stationary recumbent bike

by COBradyBunch - 2010-07-11 06:07:23

Moved up to 4.75 miles today. HURT LIKE HELL towards the end but that is expected. Was able to keep between 60-70 rpm cadence which I was really happy to see. Knee, ankle and calf/shin all hurt but they will keep doing that until they get better. Still only working out at about 90 bpm but funny how even that low I was breathing hard (trying to control the pain). Tomorrow I get my first real taste of what the PT is going to be like. I bet they are still trying to figure out where to start.

Big Deal!

by Tracie H - 2010-07-11 07:07:32

Got your attention right?! Haha! Here's the thing: You were training for the Triple Bypass and you have a pacemaker or other heart device. ALREADY you have overcome amazing odds...this little setback is nothing!! :) Focus on healing, recovery and redesigning any weak areas in your training, enjoy the view from the sag and next year's race will be here before you know it!! :)
Keep that incredibly "go get 'em" attitude,

PS - I suppose a little beer or self-indulgence of choice as a little good-bye to this year's plans are in order, but after a short pity party, you'll be ready to reorganize for next year.


by COBradyBunch - 2010-07-24 01:07:22

Up to about 10 miles on a stationary bike, actually put the shoes on and clipped into a spin bike last week (forgot I had to get out as well but I managed it). Had a few setbacks this week but so far my PT's are feeling I am progressing well. Things still hurt, still on crutches and still unable to ride outside but at least some of the bruising is starting to go away, some of the swelling is going down and I am exercising just about daily (had one day I had to take off due to the setback).

Still aiming for a ride (maybe even a century) before the snow flies.

Re: Life's Challenges ... and idiots on the road

by Lars - 2010-07-24 01:07:40

I guess this makes you pretty much indestructable mate ... are you sure you are not an android or at least a road-test-dummy !? Pacemaker and man of rubber ... I'm glad you are not more seriously injured and sorry for this major set-back ... you have a ' bounce-back ' personality that all superachievers have ... keep going ... Lars,

You know you're wired when...

Your life has spark.

Member Quotes

In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.