Tired After Implant

I had a dual chamber pacemaker implant about 3 weeks ago. I am walking 2 miles per day, but this is making me so tired that I go home to sleep soundly for atleast 1-2 hours. My pacing is set at 70bpm. Prepacing, my rate went down to the 30s. I am determined to get better and back in shape. I have only walked 5 times - 1 per day.



by Tracey_E - 2009-05-28 04:05:03

If he hasn't started you on rehab yet, he probably doesn't want you walking two miles. I'm just sayin ;o)

When you have your check, be sure to tell them any symptoms. That's the only way they'll know what to change. Their reports mostly tell them if you're safe or not, it's not going to tell them how to make you feel your old self.

Thanks for the Info

by dbryan - 2009-05-28 04:05:06

I have a post op pacemaker checkup tomorrow. I will ask then about my settings. I don't do cardia rehab until another week away, but the doctor didn't give me any restrictions.


by Tracey_E - 2009-05-28 04:05:13

Two miles is quite a bit for only three weeks post implant. It could be that your body is trying to tell you something! It takes 4-6 weeks to recuperate, not just from the surgery itself but from having the low heart rate for so long. Every time your hr dipped to the 30's, your organs were starved of oxygen. Keep in mind you now have leads in the wall of your heart, the heart needs to heal from that.

I would start very small- half a mile at most at a sedate pace- and see how you feel then build up from there. And only do that with the doctor's permission! If he hasn't cleared you, do not get your heart rate up.

That said, it can take a few tries to get your programming just right for you. Do you have a follow up appt to check the pm soon? The settings they send us home with are not usually ideal for someone active. Are you just tired, or dizzy/short of breath also?

take a bit longer

by Kirsty - 2009-05-28 05:05:34

I also had a dual chamber pacemaker fitted, and I also suffered from a slow heart rate. I didn't start to do exercise for a while after as my body was still geting used to healthy heart rate! Leave it for another couple of weeks, because you will then feel the difference that the pacemaker makes and you shouldn't feel tired after!

good luck!

Just 3 weeks ago....

by Pookie - 2009-05-28 07:05:21

Hi dbryan;

Everyone heals at a different pace (no pun intended) so I'd certainly give yourself a lot more time to recover.

Also, ask for pre and post print outs when you get your pacemaker checked and there are a few people on this site that will help you decipher what it all means.

Another thing that may make you tired is IF you happen to be on a beta blocker, they can zap the energy right out of you....so can other meds. Something to think about.

Time, give yourself more time.

You're still healing.

It will get better.


You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

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Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.