The great fall

Hi guys and ladies,

I thought some of my friends would appreciate an update on my recovery from the fall.

I am slowly getting better. The gut winching pain is getting better and I have learned how to breathe through it. I DO NOT turn my torso in any direction. If I need to turn... I turn my entire body at one time. Sleeping is very painful.... there is no comfortable position. Thank goodness I have a large hubby whom I can hold onto to try to reposition myself in bed while trying to sleep. The bruising is taking over my backside. Thank goodness I can't see it.

I woke up last night with my heart going into overtime, missing beats and very fast rate. It felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest. Lasted only about 30 to 45 sec. so it will not be recorded on my PM. As my pain level goes up the more my heart acts ups. My blood pressure seems to be doing well though. I see my cardiologist on Feb 12, he has no idea what I have been through these last few days. I don't think a fall from 7 feet up would have an effect on the pacemaker or the leads. I didn't fall on my chest so I haven't considered that I may have disturbed my leads of pacemaker.

So, here I am waiting to heal. I hope you all are feeling well.
Take care,


Hey Pacergirl

by Bionic Man - 2010-01-21 04:01:53

Glad to hear you're making some improvement. You must have taken an awful toss. Hopefully the pain will subside so your heart can go back to normal. It's got to be difficult battling two issues at the same time.
I hope the worst is behind you,
Your friend,

Oh My Gosh

by ppt - 2010-01-21 05:01:00

Good heavens! Hope each day gets better and better ! Jeepers - what next ?? {{{{{{{{{{pacergirl}}}}}}}}


by jessie - 2010-01-22 12:01:52

hi your private message did not come thru but don't worry becasue i see you on facebook too. i hope you continue to do good. what an awful assault to the body. i understand about old basements and it is bloody scary....take care of you hon and hope it gets better soon the pain subsidesa nd you are on the mend. time to do a whole lot of just resting and walking as much as possible so you don't seize up. i mean around the house. take care hugs maureen xxxooo


by Hot Heart - 2010-01-24 02:01:29

Been offline for a while, didnt know youd had a fall, hope you are feeling better. HH xx

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