pain in wrong places

i got my pm less than a week ago,it is on my left side, and feels fine. The pain is my right shoulder, i can move my left arm with less pain than my right. Has anyone else had this problem? I think its from how ?i am sleeping but not sure.
it sad that the reason I am taking pain pills is not where I had surgery


right shoulder pain

by Pookie - 2009-05-09 03:05:07

hi gargoyle

I also had right shoulder pain and it ended up being pericarditis.

you really should have it checked out by either an Xray or CT scan.

Is the pain there 24/7? Does anything make it worse? Does anything make it better? These are the questions they asked me when I went to the ER.

And you are right, pain pills could be masking something. Personally, I'd call and ask to be seen for safety sake and for peace of mind.


Shoulder Pain

by bobad - 2009-05-09 04:05:47

Assuming you are in the 45+ age group, it could easily be from not not raising your arm for 2-3 days. I was 59, and both shoulders froze. The left was immobilized by the implant, the right was immobilized by the IV. It was far worse than the surgery, and after 11 months, it still is.

You can easily differentiate between heart pain and muscle/joint pain.

Hoping you feel better soon,,,


by gargoyle725 - 2009-05-09 07:05:52

it is usually worse when I get up. I can pretty much go @leaste 8hrs w/o meds


by Tracey_E - 2009-05-09 09:05:32

It's possible that it's from sleeping differently. It could also be that they pulled something when placing the pm. Were you awake? I was out for mine but woke up with fingerprint size bruises all over. Sometimes they manipulate us to get it in right. If it's bad enough for a pain pills, I could call and ask about it. Does ice help? Maybe try sleeping a different way, try using a pillow for support so all the pressure isn't on the right side but it's not on your pm either.

I second TracyE's comment

by ElectricFrank - 2009-05-10 12:05:34

Pain caused by the way your body was treated during surgery is the most common cause of pain in areas away from the pacer site.

I was totally awake during my implant and had to complain several times at the way they handled my body. At one point someone was using my chest as an elbow support. I can only guess how I would have felt if I wasn't able to demand he get it off.


know what your feeling

by PC - 2009-05-12 11:05:40

I had my Pm put in on Sept 08 and 2 days later started experiencing severe pain in my right shoulder region. I was awake for the procedure and nothing was done to have caused the pain. I ended up going for a EGK nerve study and found that I had 2 and half nerves that have quit working. Also got Frozen shoulder as well. The pain has just let up now after five months, and I feel a whole lot better without the pain and popping pills! I still have the frozen shoulder and dead nerves but have been told this could take a couple of years to come back, sure hope not. I would recomend that if the pain keeps up to get your doctor to get you in for EKG nerve study to see if thats what is going on. Not sure if there is anything that I could have done to stop what I got it just came on so suddenly. Im presently going to Physio to keep the range of motion and also have seen a accupuncturist which seems to be helping somewhat?? The accupunturist has said that when the pacemaker was put in they disrupted my bodys meridian or something like that, which caused my body to do what it did. Who knows for sure.

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Your favorite poem is “Ode to a Cardiac Node”.

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Yesterday I moved to a new place in my mind and realized how bad I felt 'before' and the difference my pacemaker has made.