Settings needed adjustmants

Hi Pacer People,
I had my 6 month pacer check two weeks ago. Since I was feeling a little tired, the technician made a few changes. Over these past two weeks I was experiencing a fluttering and rapid heart rate. It is set at 60, but it would go from 60 to around 120-140 in an instant and then fall right back down about a minute later. It had me up most of the night and I felt horrible this morning, racing, flush, kinda scary. The doctor's office called in the technician to do an interrogation. There were no episodes, but he found that the pacemaker had the sensor way too sensitive. The slightest movement was trigering the pacer to go into these fast rates. After a few adjustments they resolved the problem. Just had to share this. It seems that my problems are never resolved this easily, if at all. So if anyone feels different in a uncomfortable way after an interrogation, have them check it again!
Now if I can only get that sharp pain where the wires attach to the pacemaker to go away...
Still improving after almost 7 months. What a journey.
Mary Anne


Good old rate response

by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-08 11:10:52

As soon as I started to read your post I thought "Rate Response with sensitivity too high".

One way to head off these problems is to do some sort of active, but easy movement while still in the office after a programming session. This would catch an error in either turning rate response on by mistake or as your case a too sensitive setting.


Good point

by Mary Anne - 2009-10-09 11:10:25

This time the technician had me walk around the halls at a lively pace to make sure the situation was resolved. That's a very good point, Frank . I guess we should check before leaving the office.
PS.Sorry about the typo in the title "adjustmEnt"

hi maryanne

by jessie - 2009-10-09 12:10:34

boy you have had a time of it. glad tho it is going to be eventually okay. it is really hard to get them to answer questions and in london there is one technician who just won't answer anything. i could paush it but i am okay and have ahd this over 3 years so until i have problems......i prefer to stay as far away as possible. so nice to talk again hugs, jessie

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You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.