Shold u tell about grandma?

I am 75 going on 76 in a week so I think that u should always be truthful to any member of your family. I have had mine for 4 y ears and the doc says I am good for 6 more. U didn't say how old she is but her life will be much more active than before, at least I kept on working till last October 1st. Past 75. I have a double lead because Doc said I was too active. I still have all my checkups and Doc is happy with my progress, at least my heart rate has improved from 20 beats a minute to 38 as of last January. I hope that u supportive of her and keep track of her constantly. U sound like u love her a lot. Keep on keeping up with her and spoil her, even though she insists she doesn't want to be spoiled. Do everything possible to help her through this situation and it will benefit u as well. Believe me, I have had very little help and could have used a lot, and could still use some now and then. "Sunny"


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