This PM burns

I've had this pacemaker for 5 weeks,after 2 weeks a lot of blood and pus(sorry) blew out of my incision site.I went to our ER and after 41/2 hrs they sent me home and said if it gets worst come back. The ER Dr. said my blood work came back good straight down the line, I told him no one took any blood, he said I could be admitted but I would be more comfortable at home.I went home! I have been sick feeling since and this PM feels like its burning a whole in me. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired,has this happened to anyone else? I am 55 yrs young and I've had 2 caths,this PM and know I have been told I have COPD. So much for living a clean life.All this in the last 5 months. I am so tired. Thanks for listening.


not normal

by Tracey_E - 2009-04-07 06:04:43

It should not burn, it should not still be bleeding and it definitely should not be oozing anything. I'm no doctor, but it sounds like an infection to me. Call or doc or go back to the ER and be pushier, but do not let it go. Good luck!


by renee14150 - 2009-04-07 06:04:46

Hi I am 2 months post implant..2 weeks ago i had a burning sensation and swelling that just got worse finally got admitted my blood work too came back clean, I had to BEG doctor to open up my pocket....long story short i have been in the hospital 11 days and have a staph infection. I am antibiotice 3 times a day and no longer have a pacemaker. If you feel something is wrong INSIST on them doing something. My doctor thanked me after for being persistant.


by Pookie - 2009-04-07 07:04:27

Listen to Renee!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your butt back to the ER as what you are feeling and experiencing do not sound okay.

I know so well that going to the ER is a pain in the butt, but....better safe than sorry.

You deserve better than staying at home in pain.




by turboz24 - 2009-04-07 09:04:02

"So much for living a clean life" my thoughs exactly. I work out, don't drink, no drugs, eat right, etc and the reward I got was arrythmia and a chunk of metal.

Oh, well such is life.

My goodness!

by pacergirl - 2009-04-07 09:04:46

Hi Cowboy, even Cowboys go back to the Hosp. when they have symptoms like yours!

When you go back to the ER, explain how faint you are feeling and sick. Forget about doing the "Cowboy Up" thing and get some help! I know a little about you Cowboys and you are a great guy I'm sure... but PLEASE, PLEASE get back to the Dr. and show him what is happening.

You shouldn't be wasting anytime reading anymore of this now.... GET GOING!
Live to ride again!!!! now giddy up!
hugs to you,

You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

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