ICD pain

I first had a pacemaker inserted, then remove and an icd inserted.  The icd was inserted 5 years ago.  Recently i have had regular and consistent pain in my left breast.  It will not go away.  Has anyone ever had such a thing and what does it mean?

I will be having my icd battery replace next Spring.



by Lavender - 2024-04-12 21:23:04

I'm sorry to read of your pain. I'm hoping you're having this investigated by medical professionals. If it was ok for five years and now is painful, something changed along the way. 

I would seek urgent advice and not assume this is necessarily ICD related

by Gemita - 2024-04-13 07:35:58

Maryellen, any significant breast pain should be investigated.  We cannot assume this is ICD related.  Have you spoken to your general doctor?  If not I would recommend you do so.  

With persistent breast pain you certainly cannot afford to wait until the ICD is replaced next Spring.   

I see looking over your history that you have had a number of difficulties over the past several years, so if your pain doesn’t ease and you are not getting any relief from your symptoms, I would even consider going through ER for urgent evaluation. 

I have had left intermittent breast pain and had investigations for this when a benign lump was discovered.   A mammogram was immediately ordered.  I also had swollen lymph nodes in the area which caused general breast discomfort too, so you need to get a thorough check.

Good luck and take good care

breast pain

by Tracey_E - 2024-04-13 18:20:08

I, too, have had breast pain on the side of my pacer. It's scar tissue, but had a mammo and breast ultrasound to confirm nothing was going on. 

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My pacemaker is intact and working great.