Using Arm After 6 Weeks

I am getting close to my 6 weeks post surgery. I know that they say you shouldn’t lift your arm over 90 degress or lift more than 10 lbs for the first 6 weeks. After the 6 weeks how gradual do you have to ease into using your arm again? Is there a general guide line as to how much you should do for the first while, etc? Thanks.


Easy ...

by chip - 2009-06-02 01:06:02

Just ease into it gradually…

You’ll know if you push it too far.

I didn’t have any trouble getting back to normal usage but I did catch myself a few times babying my left arm.

God Bless

.....just lift it but gently

by LouLou21 - 2009-06-02 02:06:40

I was very scared to lift my arm so when I went to see my technician I asked her about it she was quite to the point and said just lift it, i was going quite slowly and she just said go on lift it...lift it some more till i had my arms and hands right above my head. It felt great after all those weeks. Just do it at your own pace though. Its best to get moving to avoid that horrible frozen shoulder!!

Take care. Louise.x

common sense

by Tracey_E - 2009-06-02 03:06:50

Don't jump back in to your old routine overnight. If it hurts, back off.


by turboz24 - 2009-06-02 08:06:50

I seem to be like a broken record sometimes, but some occassional pain is going to probably happen. I'll be at 2 years come september and I still experience pain related to the implant from time to time.

Now, sharp constant pain I'd worry about, but if I backed off everytime it hurt, I'd still be doing almost nothing today.


by walkerd - 2009-06-03 06:06:01

Listen to your body it will tell you, go slowly like everyone said.

You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

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I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.