Pain between shoulder blades

I have had a Metronix PM for almost a year and after four or five minutes of mild exercise I experience pain between shoulder blades and it will stay until I quit exercising then subside. I have passed a stress test and also a cat scan with the dye revealed a blockage which was removed and replaced with three stents but the pain is still there when I exercise. My Cardo is baffeled because we all thought unblocking the artery and the stents would fix it and it did not. Please offer any info you can.





by Pookie - 2009-03-09 08:03:44

Hi Quincy...

I too have a sharp constant pain inbetween my shoulder blades and I just can't figure it out. I only hope it is not heart related. I had my ejection fraction tested about 2 weeks ago but won't have the results until March 30!! (^5 to the Canadian Medical System). They should give out free anti-stress pills for the wait times here!!!

Anyways, perhaps a lead is pressing on a nerve? Perhaps it could be stomach related. Gall bladder problems can get you in that spot too. Muscle spasms?

Is there any chance of getting a repeat CT scan?

Hope you find the answer, I'll be cheering for you.


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