Erratic heart rate

This is going to sound strange, so please bear with me.

Today I had a very stressful meeting, which resulted in me losing my job. Obviously, I was very worried and distressed, but when I was waiting for the result of the meeting, I noticed that my heart rate was being very erratic. It would go from being extremely fast, then pause for 2 or 3 seconds before 'thumping' and beating more regularly. Do you think this is anything to worry about, or is it natural? If it was natural, it couldn't have come at a worse time because I was worried enough without the added stress of an erratic heart rate!

Emma xxx


Hi Emma,

by Gellia2 - 2009-06-17 02:06:21

I think I understand what you mean. I would get those erratic beats all the time, but my doctor never seemed too concerned about it. I would be having occasional PVC's and he felt it was that.
I did notice it would occur more often if I was doing some more strenuous or stressful activity.

Now, the reason I have a pacemaker is for congenital complete heart block. What I found out on this site was that my pacemaker was competing with my own natural heart rate at times. My own heart rate would tell my heart to beat faster than the pacemaker was set for and they were in competition as to which one would get the beat in there. It left me with pauses and a heart beat that skipped all over the place.

A simple change in my settings was all it took. In my case, I had the rate response turned off.
It worked like a charm.

I think you may just need a small adjustment or recognize that a stressful feeling may make your heart beat outside the parameters of the pacemaker settings.

A quick call to your dr would also do alot to elevate any worry.

Hope this helps some.
Best to you,

I'm Only Guessing....

by Pookie - 2009-06-17 02:06:55

Hi Emma,

First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost your job.

I'm only guessing, but by what information you put in your post, you said you were in a very stressful meeting, and I would say that that was the cause of your heart beating erratically. Why I say that is, is because it has happened to me too...being in a very stressful situation my heart does some very weird beating.

However, you should mention it to your doctor the next time you see them. And if it happens again, I"d be going to the ER just to have them check you out, better safe and have peace of mind...right?


You might use this......

by Ruesado - 2009-06-17 04:06:48

I"m not sure how the UK works things, but if I had a very stressful event at work and it caused me to lose my job and then caused me to have an eratic heartbeat, I would have gone to the ER and then used that information to try and get my job back and or compensation.
I know that it is the American way, get hurt at work and either ask to keep your job, or sue the crap out of them for causing you to have a episode.
Remember, If they had not fired you, then you wouldn't have had the erratic heartbeat.
Better than crying over spilled milk.

loss of job

by Hot Heart - 2009-06-18 05:06:04

Hi there, your losing your job doesnt have anything to do with your health does it? If so get straight on to ACAS and ask their advice.

The erratic heart beat, yeh i got it a lot, when stressed, and thought it was menapause, turns put i get a fib, top of heart occasionally beating at 300. Doesnt really bother me now i know what it is.

Take care HH

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My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.