PM & 2 leads replaced on 2/12/09 Do Not Feel Right

I need some help. I just had my 3rd pacemaker put in and this time they also replaced the 2 leads on Thursday 2/12 and was discharged 2/13 around 1pm. I just do not feel right and not sure if i should be concerned or not. And in 2003 when i had it replaced I was 6 mths pregant so I really cannot compare the 2.

I am a bit light headed when I am sitting and standing, The site hurts and it will I know that. When sitting up I get a flutter feeling it comes and goes. My hands, ankels, and legs are swollen. Is this normal. What warning signs, feelings I should be aware of and when should i worry.




by Tracey_E - 2009-02-14 07:02:57

The soreness is normal, the swollen extremities and light headedness is not. I'd call and ask to have the settings checked. Are you taking pain killers? That can make you dizzy. If it gets worse or they don't do call backs on the weekend, it might be worth a trip to the ER. It's probably nothing more serious than adjusting the settings or side effects of meds, but I wouldn't let it go until Monday.

I agree,

by pacergirl - 2009-02-14 09:02:51

I gree with TracyE and Magster, you need to have a chat with your Dr.

I don't know how old you are, but the lightheadedness could be that you are weak from the surgery. The swelling might be from a circulation problem. I don't wish to alarm you, but the swelling could be the most important symptom.
Please don't wait, get it checked out.


Speaking from recent experience....

by dairyprincess - 2009-02-14 11:02:21

get it checked out! Everyone here knows what they are talking about! Believe me! The worst that could happen is they say your fine which would be a relief to you just to know.

Take care and let us know what happens


swollen ankles

by Hot Heart - 2009-02-14 11:02:32

Hi there! Happy valentines day. I hope you are feeling a bit better now.

My ankles and feet have been swollen ever since i got my pm 31st oct, but because id had lipo on my ankles the drs keep saying thats whats caused it.

Must admit im beginning to wonder if it is actually the pm or my heart condition, 3rd degree heart block that is the problem.

Since ive had my pm my bp has been very vry high as well, get yours checked. Good luck!!

yes texas blue eyes form houston

by jessie - 2009-02-15 09:02:41

get yourself over to the hospital as this edema is not agood sign. i was a reg. nurse.and had a lifetime of experience with different things so i can only say something seems wrong. i don't like it bl eyes go..........hugs and good luck jessie

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.