ICD Experience

  • by GAC
  • 2009-03-07 02:03:55
  • ICDs

I had a Medtronic ICD implanted on December 15, 2008 after a V-Tach attach. I have had three Trerapy Shock since then. Jan 4. Feb 5 and Feb 27. I just started Sotalol medication last week at 80mg. I don't know what to espect at this point. I can't drive and work from home. My doctor says it's wait and see.

Any comments?


try going up to 120 mg, it worked for me

by Katelyn - 2009-03-08 03:03:07

I've had 3 different ICDs implanted over the past 5 yrs for V Tach/Fib. I once was taking 80 mg of Sotalol but also received some shocks, after increasing to 120 mg twice a day, I didn't have any more shocks. I was great for 2 yrs until I developed heart block and starting having bad shortness of breath. They switched my beta blocker to Quinidine and gave me a dual chamber device last week...Im still waiting to see how this change will help my symptoms. If I could do anything different, I would have looked into the facts behind beta blockers causing heart block, because I think that is what happened to me since it was never a problem before. I would ask your Dr about it. Good Luck, Hang in there! Living with an ICD is not so bad, you'll forgot you even have it most days :)

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