Challenge Obesity 5K - 2nd 5K with PM

I thought I'd share my 5K results from Sat April 4th on my 2nd 5K post PM - I did a little better than last time but I'm not quite satisfied with my time yet. On my second PM checkup I was 100% A-paced and 60% V-paced - they changed my upper limit from 130 to 150 but didn't make the Rate Response changes I wanted so the Accelerometer is still too sensitive and going to the Max quickly. I'd like to get the MV sensor turned on and see if that helps.

If I want to look at my results negatively, I could say it was one of my slowest 5K times ever at 33min16sec but looking at the positives:

Top Ten Reasons the Challenge Obesity 5K was a Great Race!

#12. My wife Meredith was there cheering me on!

#11. Any time I can get out and run 3 miles, it's a great day!

#10. I finished before all the walkers !!

# 9. Free snacks!

# 8. I beat my 2009 White Bear Winter Frolic 5K time !!

# 7. New post-PM PR !!!! (PR sort for "Personal Record")

# 6. The odds are great for another post-PM PR in my next 5K !!!!
(when I get my PM fine tuned correctly)

# 5. I was wearing the number 4 !!!!
(They give the lower numbers to those who lost the most weight - number "1" went to someone who lost 189 lbs - # 2 had lost 165 lbs - I've lost over 100lbs and kept it off for over 3 years now)

# 4. At least I didn't need to lose 189 lbs !!!

# 3. Came in 1st in the Male 55-59 age group !!!!!!
(Did I mention there was 1 runner in the male 55-59 age group - I've heard this is one of the perks of getting older and entering small local races).

# 2. I was a "Real Bread Winner" !!!
(They give loaves of healthy bread as prizes to:
1) the winners. 2) whoever the race director deems deserving that day.
3) whoever hangs around for the awards ceremony on a beautiful 30 degree Minnesota spring morning.)



That's great.....

by Angelie - 2009-04-10 03:04:28

SO proud of you for sticking with it. I know first hand the trials and tribulations of 5k training.
I ran a 5k 4 months after my pacer implant. It was the Jingle Bell Jog. Quite fun.....all of us participants had little bells pinned to our shirts.
I finished in 39 minutes, which I'm sure is a horrible time in the grand scale of things.....but it was my first ever run of any kind, and after a lifetime of heart problems...I was just proud to make it in less than an hour. My health took a turn the latter half of my training, and I couldn't train as much as I had wanted towards the end. I was just glad to make it through the finish time. LOL.
Keep it up.....
I'm not healthy enough right now to run, but I plan to get back in it as soon as I possibly can.

Go with gusto,


by tuck3lin - 2009-04-10 11:04:28

33 minutes isn't a bad time at all. Keep it up, and continue having fun!

Go Don Go...

by Cyborg Runner - 2009-04-11 06:04:45

Way to go Don. You're improving and sticking with it, you can't ask much more of yourself. Keep bugging yo9ur doctors to make the adjusts that you need to run. Fuind out if there is a doc in the practice and have them oversee your care.
Keep going. Great job.

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