Exercise update

As some of you may have read I have been on a quest to regain some strength in my short chubby legs. I am (5' 2.75") I have been continually working on this task. I have been using the stepper, walking the chubby Pug, (dog) and staying busy. I haven't allowed myself to sit very long at any time. Today I also washed the car (the Porsche) and then went for a fast drive! Whoo Hoo, yes by myself.

I was just talking to my husband (he is engineering the train) and he says to me for the millionth time "take it easy and sit down and relax" How in the world can someone who knows how much I need to be stronger continually tell me to sit down and relax????? I don't need any encouragement to do that! I get frustrated with his attitude. He doesn't care how fat I get or weak legged. He just wants me to he alive and happy. I don't know how to tell him to stop discouraging me without upsetting him. I need to tell him to allow me to work harder not less!

A little encouragement would mean the world to me. Please don't misunderstand,... my hubby adores me. He just doesn't think I need to loose weight, or be strong. ughhhhhh.

How do I explain to him that I need to do this so I can be healthy and happy? Anyone else with this problem? If so how did you solve it? Friday (27 Feb.) is our 38th wedding ann. Yes, I was an infant when I married him. he he

Comments welcome,


look though his eyes too

by skye - 2009-02-22 10:02:50

my husband is a worrier too. he wants me to rest, to take it easy,dont overdo... blah blah blah... he is a truely wonderful man and I finally realized that he is not trying to discourage me or interfer with my recovery, he's SCARED! afraid of losing me, of raising our daughter without me, of being ALONE... if I am really honest with myself I have to admit that were the shoe on the other foot, I would probably treat him the same way for the same reasons... so... work as hard as you need to, but be senitive to his feelings . reassure him you know your limits and will take care and you Realize how LUCKYyou are to be alive and loved so dearly by him... LIFE IS GOOD!

Thank you

by pacergirl - 2009-02-22 11:02:29

I'll give it a go. I didn't think about reassuring him that I will not overdo it and that I do realize how lucky I am to be alive. I just figured he already knew. I sure don't take my life for granted anymore, I can reassure him of that.

You certainly are right, LIFE IS GOOD!

I hope your infection clears up soon. I am a praying sort of woman and you are high on my list of people to pray for. I hope you don't mind.

Blessings, Pacergirl


by jessie - 2009-02-23 02:02:12

hi suzie i have been going to physio to improve my muscle strength. recently i have had a bad chest infection and am wondering will it ever go away?this has prevented me from exercising but i am somewhat better than i was and soon as i feel like it right back to it. jessie

the heart is a muscle too

by BillMFl - 2009-02-23 08:02:51

And reasonable exercise is good for it. There have been lots of studies proving that exercise improves cardiac function even for those who have had serious problems. It is natural for him to be concerned for his long term life partner, and you can help him see why excercise would be good for him too!

Great advice everyone!

by pacergirl - 2009-02-23 09:02:49

Hi Tammy and BillMFI, I would love to sit down with my husband and relax, but he is a train engineer and works 3rd shift which means he works 12 hours at night. I being a day person, don't get to see him much. Maybe that is why he worries so much. He sees the results of my doing things but doesn't know how I do it. Maybe if he could see me actually walking or stepping he would see that I don't overdo it.
I would give just about anything to be able to spend time with the man I love. It just isn't going to be so for now. With so many people out of jobs, broke and losing their homes, I feel bad if I complain about being alone. Maybe he feels by telling me continually to take it easy, he is trying to protect me.
In any case, Bill has a good idea... when he is home (1 day a week) Maybe he would can come out and play! oh sorry, exercise!

Thank you everyone for all your suggestions!


I have to go now... I need to walk, well for a little while, ok?.... he he =)


by pacergirl - 2009-02-23 10:02:39

Thanks for your reply, I hope that chest infection clears up soon!

I am glad you are better than you were and hope that you are fully recovered soon.

Spring is just around the corner folks... Just hang in there!

Please, all of my dear pacer and ICD friends... Even when you are not here, you are never far from my thoughts, that includes Jessie, Skye, Bunnykin and Peter N.

Praying for blessings to shower over each of you! The blessing of happiness, peace and that you all feel loved by someone close to you.


Exercise huh!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-02-23 12:02:23

Well I know your going to be like Tammy what are you thinking but I completely understand where your husband is coming from. When you can't just take the time to sit and relax I would be concerned also.
I believe exercise is important and loosing weight is also but taking some time to relax is also highly important. Remember the best healer for the body is rest.
So please at some point take time to sit and relax with your husband i'm sure he misses you a little more than you think he does. Maybe you should go on a date with him and let him know that you are feeling ok and that you need to exercise to feel better and "that you will take that extra time out to rest a little."
I continue to pray that God strengthens you and gives you the words to say. Your an amazing women just don't over do it to the point of your husbands worry and concern. Some reason I can just picturing you doing too much and not resting very much. hmmm... I hope i'm wrong. I love ya!


It's been a while

by auntiesamm - 2009-02-25 03:02:52

Hi Pacergirl - It has been a while since I have checked in and your post sounds similar to my life. My husband is always on me to sit, rest, don't try to do everything and so on. He asks me why I have to be constantly doing something but I am not sure myself. Having worked all my life up until 3 years ago must have something to do with it. I think ending up with a PM 3 years ago just out of the blue made me more appreciative of life and how quickly it could be snuffed out. Therefore, I want to make the most of the time I am on this earth. Does that sound like you? Men just don't "get it" like we women do unless they have a PM, too. Having had both knees replaced I have a couple of great exercises for strengthening the legs. If interested send me an email and I will tell you what they are. auntiesamm@msn.com. Take care of yourself and God bless.

Sharon (So cA)

You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

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In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.