I'm finally home from the hospital

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your encouragement to go the the hospital on February 2nd. Turns out it was a good thing. The screw on one of the leads from my pacemaker poked a hole in my heart and I had blood in the sack around the heart. They called it pericardial infraction or something like that. I'm sure I misspelled it, but hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about. I was in the hospital for 12 days!!! I had three echocardiograms, about 6 IV pokes (4 times in one day because they couldn't find the vein), probably 30 blood draws...I'm feeling like a human pin cushion!!!! lol

Anyway, I'm feeling MUCH better and am finally home.

Thanks for all your support. Finding this website was a God-send!!!

Love you all,



You had us worried!

by Gonnie - 2009-02-13 11:02:02

I'm glad you're home & doing better! Sometimes I think we hold off on calling our doctors because we don't want to be thought of as over anxious or whatever. Especially us newbies! Hopefully your healing will keep on track & you can put this episode behind you. Welcome home!

Glad you're OK

by bobad - 2009-02-14 02:02:31

Sorry to hear you had such serious complications.

Your story, mine, and many others here are why I don't recommend a pacemaker to anyone except as a last resort. In my estimation, the gravity of PM surgery and post surgery are very much underestimated.

Good ,luck and happy Valentine's day. I hope there are no further complications!

Bob A.


by pete - 2009-02-14 02:02:34

The medical terms doctors come up with are over the top. Pericardial infraction, why not just call it a heart puncture. I can think of many more whose only purpose seems to confuse the patient. I was in hospital for over 2 months and had blood taken at least 5 times a week. Add to that cannulars and heparin daily injections in the stomach plus lots of tubes and needles in intensive care and a bone marrow biopsy and I think I must have had well over 250 needles of various sizes prodded in.

welcome back!!

by Tracey_E - 2009-02-14 07:02:59

We were worried about you!!!!!! I'm sorry you've had such a rough time of it, it's no fun being a pin cushion. Glad to hear you're doing better and are back home.


by pacergirl - 2009-02-14 09:02:57

Let's hear it for Debbie! So very happy you had it checked out.

Like many of us say..... when in doubt check it out! Thinking like that can save not only my life, but your life and many others here.

Wonderful to have you back.

Happy Heart day,


by donb - 2009-02-14 10:02:19

What a relief!! I also went in Feb 6th with AF and not finding any results or your latest episode that's all I kept thinking about. Now I'm happy for you as everyone else.

I was without my PM for 60days and was doing OK but went into AF which was stable after 12 hours of medication. My Cardiologist said I had a choice as to when my right chest lead and gen would be put in. At my age I felt now is good. So, From your experience I know I'll be even more carefull with lifting my right arm as I'm usually not the best to follow orders. I kinda forgot over the past 17 years how my first three PM's.
Oh, don't get me wrong about being carefull as I'm sure this happens with lead attachments even with being very cautious. Good luck, better days are all ahead!!

We were worried/concerned...

by Pookie - 2009-02-14 11:02:12

Hi...we were worried & kind of concerned when we didn't hear from you, but I'm SO SO SO glad to hear that you did go to the ER and they actually helped you.

I too ended up with cardiac effusion, pericarditis? then they performed an emergency tamponade with NO sedation!!!!!!!!

All I know is while inserting one of the leads it poked a hole in my heart, and same as you...the heart sac got full with blood; drowning the heart. Painful. My pain was really weird...it was mostly over in my right shoulder which is odd because my pacemaker is on the left side under my collarbone area. It felt like my shoulder socket was on fire, I also had back pain, but no arm pain.

Something told me to dail 911 (this was 2 days after initial surgery) ... 45 minutes later in the ER I died, not once, but twice because of this. Apparently on the medical forms I signed (right before the initial surgery) it clearly stated that this could happen but it was less than 1% risk!!!!!!! Apparently they can also stab your lung by mistake too. Just proves all surgeries do carry risks.

Lesson learned: you know your own body & when something isnt' right please don't hesitate to call or go into the ER to have it checked...If I had NOT, I wouldn't be typing this email.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.


Glad they found it

by ElectricFrank - 2009-02-14 12:02:54

That could have been a lot more serious. Hopefully you will feel a lot better and can get back to life.




by Loopy Lou - 2009-02-15 10:02:35

You did have us all worried and so glad you went to get it sorted out!

You have missed loads of fun and interesting posts on here.... check em out!!!

Glat you are better!!! and hope to chat soon!!

We all need to meet up soon in CHAT!!

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


by gniwgniw - 2009-02-15 10:02:55

I commented on your last post asking where u were for so long. I knew it couldnt be good.
BUT things r better now. Glad to have you back.

way to go princess

by jessie - 2009-02-16 03:02:39

heh glad to hear things are better. jessie

Great to hear you're well again

by kiwi - 2009-02-16 04:02:25

I had a very similar experience in October after my PM implant - my lead fell off and pierced the tip of my heart - all very scary and I spent 31 days in hospital because after getting that all fixed, I then got pulmonary emboli.
Its certainly a very scary and what I am told a rare complication. I'm glad that both of us have got through it with a positive outcome, Take it easy and I hope you'll soon be feeling as good as I do now :)

You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker completely solved my problem. In fact, it was implanted just 7 weeks ago and I ran a race today, placed first in my age group.