
Hi all you Pacer Chicks and Pacer Dudes. As you may have already read, I got positive results from my recent test.

I still have the same problem of not being able to climb any stairs. So I have been shopping, (solves most problems for me) he he. Anyway, with the encouragement of my hubby I have bought a step exerciser. The kind that sits flat on the floor and I step up and step down.

It came with a handy DVD just in case I couldn't figure it out. Cool I thought, so I popped in the DVD, set the step platform on the carpet in front of the big TV and I thought, this is going to be easy. ha ha

Oh my goodness this is hard! My heart rate increased at a rapid pace, my breathing became labored and I was reminded why I was doing this in the first place. After 20 min. (I was surprised too) I slumped into a chair.

It took a few minutes but my heart rate did return to normal, my breathing as well, but my legs were trembling.

I feel as if I had a good workout. I think that I will be able to continue with the stepper. It was fun, I can do it (not too complicated) and I think it will make me stronger.

I have full approval from my doctors. I have someone home when I exercise and I need to do as much as I can, until I am strong again. Even 20 min. a day will make a difference to me.

I did not receive chocolates this year for Valentine's day, Thank goodness! I have however, had a wonderful day.



Just follow the instructions

by ElectricFrank - 2009-02-14 11:02:14

Just follow the instructions that came with the step exerciser: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3....Step10. (G:



by jessie - 2009-02-15 03:02:58

you and i are in the same boat. who would have ever thought? i do my weights to strengthen my muscles in my legs i do 50 10 lb on each ankle lifting and holding for five seconds. it is bef=ginning too work for steps i am on 3 books now. also my hip exercises are now up to 2 lb. weight above knee and lift and pushback and hold 5 30 each leg. so know i didn't get chocolate. don't need it. i am so glad i went for an assessment. hugs jessie

you GO!!

by Tracey_E - 2009-02-15 08:02:03

Way to go pacergirl!

Did you stretch out after? That'll help with the trembling. Or starting a little more slowly, too, lol. Twenty minutes is actually quite a bit, it's ok to start with 10. If you overdo it, it'll leave you tired and sore instead of energized.

I haven't been to the gym in three weeks, bad me! Between crazy work hours, girl scout cookies and the flu going around my family, the gym dropped off the radar screen. I swear I will go tomorrow!

Exercise is not optional

by dtread - 2009-02-20 08:02:12

If you haven't been working out for a while your muscles get weak and flabby. Also, the heart is a muscle, and if you haven't been working our regularly it too will get weak and flabby. And, if you're at all overweight it is like a sandbag weighing you down. So, it may take a while to get back in shape. At any rate it requires a commitment to regular exercise and diet (if you're overweight). I liken exercising to brushing your teeth. If you do not brush your teeth you notice pretty quickly that they get all green and scummy. Well, a similar thing happens to your body if you don't exercise. You just don't notice it as quickly. However, after a while someone who is sedentary loses the muscle tone and getting back in shape may be impossible. Exercise is not optional for seniors. The young can get away without exercising, but seniors cannot. Just increase gradually the intensity and/or duration of your workouts. And don't overdo it, particularly in the beginning. You'll just get sore and won't want to exercise and so you'll quit. You need to make exercise a life-long habit. Everyone needs exercise. No one is exempt. And, a fit, toned body is a lot sexier than an overweight, flabby body.

You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

Member Quotes

This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.