still dealing wirh infection

day 3 of meds for infection... low grade fever... go back to doc on wed will decide then about iv antibiotics... if it is in the pocket and they have to go in, do they create a new pocket? anyone know what's involved and what the recovery time is?


Pacer Dependent?

by bobad - 2009-02-23 01:02:12

Hi Skye,

They usually remove the PM and leads at the first sign of infection.

Once pulled, they like to wait 6 months to implant a new one on the opposite side. If you're dependent, they may be forced to accelerate the new implant. Possibility of re-infection is greatly increased if they don't wait until your old pocket is 100% healed, plus an exctra month or 2 for good measure.

If there is no tissue breakdown or necrosis, they will most likely suture the pocket and cut a drain at the bottom. (assuming you're female, that could present a problem) If suturing and/or a drain tube are not feasible, the pocket will have to be left open to heal "inside out", and packed daily with sterile gauze and possibly Bunnell's solution.

It took mine almost 6 weeks to heal. My wife packed it nightly, starting with 6' of gauze. By week 3, it was down to 2', and by week 4 or 5 it got down to almost nothing. The Bunnell's solution was a miracle, and kept the wound very clean and infection free.

I've had 2 PMs removed, and am very well experienced with nursing the wounds successfully. Let me know if you need help.

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Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.