
Does anyone have tachycardia so back that everytime they stand or move around their heartrate goes up instantly and the moment you sit down it drops back down. The doctor now wants me to take 100mg atenolol and 100mg toprol xl until i have my ablation jan 5th but before adding the atenolol taking a shower would bring my heartrate to 150 bpm. Has anyone else had a crazy heartrate like mine?


Me too

by pacie - 2008-12-30 06:12:17

Mine don't go up every time I stand up but if I talk a long time or when I take my puppy out to do her business or even when I take a shower, it goes up. I had an ablation in 2001 for mine and have a pacemaker for heart block but now it is doing it again so I am supposed to go have another one Jan. 26th. Mine is some times going on down into my ventricles. I get very weak, lightheaded and sometimes feels like my heart is in my throat. Mine has went up to 180 BPM at times. I am on Rythmol SR 325 Mg. twice a day until I have my EP study done. Good luck with yours.


me too

by Tracey_E - 2008-12-30 08:12:45

I've been having that for about six months now. It goes right back down again and the 150-160 I get up to is annoying but not dangerous, so I said no thanks to the drugs and we are just watching it for now.

I started taking salmon oil and I've cut all alcohol, caffeine (even my beloved decaf!) and chocolate out of my diet and I've noticed a difference. I had some wine with Christmas dinner and my hr started shooting up again. I'm still not sure if I'm happy or sad, LOL, I am glad to notice a difference, but I consider wine, coffee and chocolate to be three of the most important food groups.

Rate response

by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-31 12:12:09

This is just a long shot, but by any chance do you have rate response turned on? This by itself wouldn't cause the problem, but if it is on and not adjusted properly it can easily cause the problem.

The rate response senses body movement and uses it to increase heart rate. It has to be tailored to you in order to make valid estimates of need. Early on I had problems with my HR going up to limit jut from the vibration of the hot tub jets. Then after some reading up on it I found I could do the same thing by just "twiddling" the pacemaker with my thumb and finger. I used that to get the reps attention during the next checkup. I was sitting in the chair in his office hooked up for a checkup and I twiddled my HR up to 130BPM. That got his attention. Turned off rate response and problem gone.

You can easily check if that is the problem by doing the same. Just wiggle the pacer rapidly, but not hard enough to be uncomfortable, for about 30 seconds to a minute. If your HR soars you know what it is.


You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker receives radio frequencies.

Member Quotes

It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.