feeling lousy

Hi fellow pacers, Ive been having some problems. I think I have seen these posted before but do not recall any outcomes.
I am expieriencing problems similar to before my pacer implant which was 10/27/08. Increased shortness of breath especially on exertion ,chest pain (mild,pinchy) and chest tightness.And a return of the dizziness.My left hand still goes knumb at times too.And severe leg pain (off statins for about 2 months).
My PCP made an appt. with my cardio for me this thursday but I am so uncomfortable I dont know how I will continue working till then. Its very long halls at the nursing home.PCP also orderd test at hospital for this friday to test for periphrial artery disease. I dont know if I should just try to muscle through the week or if I should go to the E.R. maybe its not necessary-maybe I just need a pacer setting changed? I feel like I just want to sit in my chair and cry- even loading the washer is too much. What would you do?



by Tracey_E - 2009-03-01 08:03:23

It sure sounds like you need your settings changed but it could be a lot of things. If they can't diagnose you by checking the pm, talk to them about a stress test so they can see what happens when you try to get your rate up.

Chest pain and dizziness are not something to mess around with. If you cannot function and they cannot see you until Thursday, you may want to consider a trip to the ER. If it gets worse before you can call in the morning, I would go if it were me. It's better to go and have them tell you it's nothing than to wait when it is something, ya know?

re:feeling lousy

by Mrs.H - 2009-03-01 09:03:42

Thanks girls, If Im not feeling better with some rest,-(I have off tonight and tomorrow night) I will call cardio's office or go to E.R. I feel so trapped with my job! They can never get anybody to cover for you if you are sick and its bad enough that they really werent sure they would let me come back to work in the first place! I am stuck because I need the health insurance so I have been pretending I feel great.

Mrs. H

by pacergirl - 2009-03-01 09:03:43

I have a rule for myself and that is, that if I really feel that I need medical attention... then I make sure that I get it. There is no shame in calling the doc. or going to the ER. Please don't wait. You know what you need.... just listen to your body.
Tale care of yourself.... You are the only Mrs. H we have!


by Skelton - 2009-03-02 01:03:22

Hello Mrs H. I am in australia and they encourage us to ring the pacemaker clinic if we are worried about anything. I hope all goes well.Love Barbara.

call again

by Tracey_E - 2009-03-02 06:03:12

Call this morning! If they won't see you today and you still feel bad, you should consider the ER today, not after you've had another bad shift!

If they can't find anyone to cover for you, it sounds like they can't afford to lose you. I totally understand fear for your job and trying to keep going when you feel bad, but sometimes you are hurting yourself when you do this and you need to put your health first.

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The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.