loop monitor

Follow up: the doctor changed his mind from medication (which is what he told my spouse when I had my EP study) to there is no medication and he now wants to do a internal loop monitor to ensure that my dizziness is from slow heart rate. I was wondering if anyone had this procedure and what to expect.



Easy procedure!

by chip - 2008-11-28 11:11:34

I had a loop recorder implanted back in March. Pretty simple procedure done in the operating room under a local with a little med to make you drowsy. Very small insertion site and there was almost no discomfort.

The loop recorder is interrogated like a pacemaker by the factory rep in your doctors office.

The recorder found my problem with-in 3 weeks and I was fitted with a pacemaker soon afterwards.

The procedure is simple and straight forward – really a no fear deal!

Loop Recorder

by scadnama - 2008-11-28 12:11:41

I also had a loop recoreder implanted when the cause for my syncope was unknown. Mine was implanted during the same procedure as my EP study, so I'm not exactly sure how the procedure alone would go. I had a very small incision in my left breast and very little discomfort afterwards.
My loop recoreder was interrogated much like a pacemaker at my 2 week post-op appointment, and it was decided that I needed a pacemaker.
It is very simple and much easier to deal with than those darn event monitors!

Amanda <><

You know you're wired when...

“Batteries not included” takes on a new meaning.

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This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.