
i hate my stupid pacemakerrrrrrrr i just want to die....i am 26yrs old i had an unsuccessfull ablation when i was 17 for tachychardia where my doctor nicked my goodpathway cause me to have bradychardia...so instead of a fast heart rythm i now have bradychardia....im so damn frusterated....so i went to get a second opinion and been under the care of my second doctor for 9 yrs now..i held off from getting a pacemaker because my doc said i was young and i wasnt showing sighns...so in the past 2 yrs ive been feeling my heart skip and it just kep progressing so i get another opinion and the docs tell me if i get a pacemaker i shouldnt feel the skipping so i decide to tell my doc to give me a pacemaker......so i get the stupid thing on sept26th of 2008 ..first of all the thing was set all wrong they had me pacing 100 percent and i only needed to be pacing when my heart was dropping 50bpm and below...so they finally set the stupid thing right and now i feel my heart racing and stuff still skipping all the time and i hate it..my doc tells me theres nothing they can do about skipped beats.....its a horrible feeling and id rather be dead than have to feelthis everyday of my life......and im not just saying that... i really hope i die everynight before i go to sleep...................now the doc tells me my heart has episodes of tachychardia which will bring me back to square one..meaning another EP STUDY and possible ablation....its really frusterating..i just wanna know if anyone feels there heart skipping alot?? he wanted me to try beta blocker and stuff like that im n0ot taking no medication...especially medication that can possible not let me get a hard on when i want one...im 26 yrs old i like to get laid...and ill be damned if im trying to and i cant....i know it sounds stupid but i dont think a beta blocker is right for me anyway if theres a way to fix it with another ablation id rather go that route...if i didnt feel my heart skipping all day i would be able to deal with everything and id be able to live a normal life but feeling my heart skip i think it will be my last breathe when it happens it forces me to stop what im doing and take a minute to calm down and it happens all the time....anyone have these stupid problems???



by pete - 2009-01-31 02:01:32

I think they need to make you pacemaker dependant to stop the skipped beats. Often the pacemaker and the heart can each try to do their own thing which can in some people feel uncomfortable. This might mean another ablation. But since you are so fed up you must be in the frame of mind to do something to make yourself better. Life certainly can have its frustrations. I do sincerely hope matters improve soon. Best wishes Peter


by Susan - 2009-01-31 04:01:59

I would encourage you to get another opinion. You mentioned you had an ablation 9 years ago. The technology has changed much since then and the docs are capable of doing so much more. Visit some of the other web sites and hear about some of the name brand docs and get to one of them. It is well known that the success of the ablation depends upon the experience of the doc so find someone that comes highly recommended. Be prepared to travel. It is worth it!!!

give it a try

by markjbaker - 2009-01-31 08:01:28

Craig, I suggest you give the beta-blockers a try. I'm on them, it took a while to get the dose right, at first they made me really, really tired, but my doc agreed to try a lower dose until I felt normal, but get the benefit for my heart. I don't experience any negative effect on my sex life. If, after you have tried it 3 months you are having trouble, then go back to the Doc and ask for another option. Beta blockers aren't great, but they don't stop you living your life. Most everyone using this site is on them and I'm sure they are not all celibate.

I also suggest you seek help with coping with the psychological effects. You have, through no fault of your own, a physical condition that your mind is struggling with. You could benefit from some counseling, therapy or medication; it's worth trying. What you are suffering is really common for cardiac patients and you don't have to put up with it.

good luck,


by lb151 - 2009-01-31 08:01:33

You have every right to a second and third opinion. Mark is right on target,, I also think you should talk to someone about how you are feeling and get your priorities in order. Not taking care of yourself at this stage could result in stroke or death.
good luck to you

My two cents...

by chip - 2009-01-31 10:01:47


If you’ve been with this “second” doctor for nine years and he hasn’t been able to help you I’d suggest that it’s time for a change.

I really think your current doctor has stopped listening to you and you need to TAKE CHARGE and see someone else with some new ideas.

As for the beta-blocker therapy and your sex life; I take a whole gamut of drugs including beta-blockers and don’t experience any problems.

You are a young man with a lot of life ahead of you and all this talk about death is certainly not healthy. You need to talk to a new doctor about your health and your frustrations over the situation.

No one is going to do it for you so take charge – it’s up to you to take a stand and get the answers you need!

Don't give up there is an answer out there for you!

Please post back and let us know how your getting along.



by craig c - 2009-02-01 02:02:14

haha to the sex after death comment =) well if i die than sex really wont matter either..all my problems will be solved..just an easy (cowrdly) way out ..but hey whatever is going to solve my problem once and for all. im willing to take it......and i just wanted to thank everyone for there comments and im going to try my best to get this problem solved i appreciate all of u on here.....thank u

Sex after death

by ted - 2009-02-01 02:02:24

I hope that you don't get your wish about dying because if that should happen, you can be sure that you will not have to worry about sex. If you like sex as much as you say you do, stick around and see what happens.

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