Feeling like heart stopped......

Did anybody w/PM feel like their heart stopped and then received like a shock and it started back up again? Let me explain. Last night my chest muscle started to twitch and it lasted for about 3 hours but only happened when I was sitting. (HR drops below 60 when I sit--PM set at 60) I was reading and I, well I think I spaced out a little, it felt like my heart stopped and then all of a sudden I felt a shock and I jumped. The twitching stopped and things have been fine since. I called the doctor's office this morning and they had me come in right away. They checked me and said that everything is all right but they did a little fine tuning. (I feel like a car! lol!) They told me the P wave was below the fence so they lowered the fence. They also told me not to wait until the next day to call and report something like this. (Let's just slap my hand for that one!) Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else experienced this?




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