Disability Problems already

Well I guess its started. Off on disability per my cardioligist and three weeks after I have been off work, well actually they let me go because of absences since my fmla ran out. The insurance company that i paid weekly to have are questioning my disability could take up to a month or more. Called and they got crappy with me I thought so anyways the lady says well the excuse is a little vage, so I asked her what i was supposed to do, she goes oh well we will send your doctor a questionare to fill out, I asked her if they would have done that if i hadnt called all she said was well the excuse was vage, So I told her that I was sorry that I had half a dead heart and if I could have a healthy heart and work I would gladly pay them their weekly fee instead of being off I didnt ask for this to happen, god did she change her tone, i wanted so bad to say other things but figured I would just make it worse. My ex employeer said they didnt know a thing about it so i asked them why did i pay premiums. well they are just covering their butts i asked her who the hell was going to cover my butt. no answer so i guess im on my own to resolve this. Unbelievable it is so sad that some people can get this for not haveing a real problem and we have something that is really bad and get all the crap. Oh well still on the bottom of the heap and loveing it.



by Pookie - 2008-11-18 07:11:03

My 2 cents worth....if and when you apply, YOU have to keep tabs on everyone involved as disability isn't going to do it for you.

Keep a journal of who you spoke to and when.

Also, I think it is your responsibility to fill out some forms too...it is here in Canada.

And, one last thing, contact your doctor's office to see if they did their part of filling out the forms and ask for a copy for your records!!!!!!!! Don't get lost in the shuffle.

Be on top of it as it's $ in (or out) of your pocket.

Good luck.



by Mrs.H - 2008-11-18 09:11:04

Dave ,I hope something turns around for you.
Its a shame,all too often we see people "collecting" that are able to do everything else it seems BUT work.
I went through all this when my husband became disabled in 2002.No help anywhere! Thank God I was able to work when he improved a bit.I didnt even call my short-term disability co.since the cardiologist said I can work beginning Dec1.Reading the policy I can see its pretty much a hassle. I will be praying for you.

Don't back down

by auntiesamm - 2008-11-19 02:11:50

Hi Dave, How long were you on FMLA and for what reason? When you missed days after your FMLA ran its course how many days did you miss and why? In which state do you reside? Did you have it in writing from your cardiologist that you were disabled? Did you have a claim form to complete for the disability insurance you say you paid for weekly? Do you have a policy or receipts that show you paid premiums? Maybe a pay stub that shows it was deducted? State laws vary and do have some impact on disability and whether or not a person can be fired while on disability leave. Are you familiar with ADA which protects folks who are disabled? Please give us more info and maybe we can help you figure this one out. The insurance industry loves to beat people down to the point they give up! Don't let them do it to you without a good fight! Good luck and God bless.

Sharon (So CA)

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