why cant i be normal ?

hello to all. forgive my typin, i am not very good at it. i am 30 yrs old and received an adapta pacer/defib in april of 2007. since then i have had multiple seizures, severe headaches, and bad chest pain. i have been to several doctors and they all say i need to see a phsychiatrist!!!!! i am not crazy. somethin is not right with this thing. they told me i would be better after i received it. that was a lie. i met a wonderful woman and plan to have a family but now they have gotten more than what they bargained for. has anyone else had any symptoms of this type ????? if so, what is it and how did u stop it ???


May be normal if ..........

by PBrennan - 2008-09-02 11:09:26

As a starting point, as far as the bad chest pain and what you perceive as seizures, you may be feeling the PM/defib working. After my PM was reprogrammed from a base rate of 40 to a base rate of 50, it felt like it was going off all the time, and it was giving me chest pain.

My suggestion is to keep a log of when you feel the pain and/or have seizures and ask your EP or cardiologist to cross-reference what is in your log with what is revealed when the interrogate the PM/defib. At the very least, you can see whether they coincide, which may give you some peace of mind.

It is also worth noting that my doctor reprogrammed the PM to a little lower HR, which helped a lot. It also seems like I've gotten used to the pacing.

Finally, I did go to a psychiatrist, and read up a little, and the stress and anxiety caused by simply having one of these implanted in our chests, with the reminder of possible fatal incidents, etc..... can certainly cause both stress and anxiety, which can lead to symptoms similar to those you described.

Good luck.


What's normal?

by joy1 - 2008-09-07 03:09:39

Hi animal,

I wanted to chime in and possibly give you some personal encouragement. You are normal, just at the far end of the bell curve. If you believe in a higher power or deity, then know there is a reason you are going through this and someone else isn't. For whatever reason, this is a trail to you but you are dealing with it. Some one else might not be able to deal with it at all. Also, how you journey through your experience may bless or encourage them in some way you will never know.

Okay, that was the spiritual/philosophical answer to your question.

Like the other people who responded to your post, I would encourage you to get a second opinion. If you feel something is wrong there is a good chance there is. As for it "all being in your head" GO TO A THERAPIST!. It can't hurt and certainly may help. Just about everyone who receives an implant has a period of adjustment and some get through it better than others. But the other thing about having a therapist to talk to, is that you have some one who will encourage you and possibly even advocate for you. Believe me when I say it can make a big difference!

So welcome to the world of being wired. You're most certainly not alone! Keep us posted on what you do and find out and some one will be here to encourage you.


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You have a new body part.

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