Message to lryegbert & others with low BP

I’ve been plagued with low BP for awhile now so I can sympathize with you. It really affected every aspect of my life to the point I couldn’t hardly care for myself some days.

Recently my doctor put me on 0.1mg Fludrocortisone 1X daily which was added to my Midodrine 10mg 4X daily while up. The new med has been a blessing as my pressure is staying in the manageable range now.

The drugs do have a few side effects but I’ll take them over the low pressure anyday!

There is help out there for the low pressure that affects us so greatly.


Me Too!

by scadnama - 2008-11-13 04:11:50


I also take both those drugs at the exact same dosage! Sometimes I have to up the Fludrocort. if I am having an off day. My doctor has given me free range with this particular drug. If my pressure is really low I take up to 0.3 mg, and if I start to retain too much fluid, I have to stop taking it all together for a day or two.
Be sure to watch for excessive weight should call your doctor if you gain 5 or more pounds within 48 hours.
Glad that the meds are helping you!

Amanda <><

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.