
i find myself here agian ?? how low is to low 77/43 today i have a pm/icd 68 was HR normal for me is 95/60 hr 75. how low before i look for help.what can i do to rase the bp.

thanks pm friends


that's pretty low, but the real ? is

by Angelie - 2008-11-12 04:11:26

How do you feel. My EP cardiologist, and other doctors have always said to me, "It's not how low your BP is, it's how you FEEL when it's that low."
Sometimes people have very low blood pressure that causes them to have dibiltating symptoms ie: dizziness, fatigue, fainting, etc. But then there's some people who have just naturally healthy low BP that causes them NO symptoms at all.
Low BP is only a problem if it's causing bad side effects. Otherwise, consider yourself lucky for not having a problem with your blood pressure being too high which is a more common problem costing billions in healthcare today. Plus high BP puts you at risk for strokes, renal failure, and other complications. Low blood pressure doesn't cause anything bad to happen, and is only BAD if it makes you feel unwell, than of course it should be addressed by your addressed. Increase of salt intake, increase of water consumption, and medicines (midodrine, and another one I can't remember from the top of my head....sorry. It's very expensive, though....the drugs.)
I've had low blood pressure for years. It alternates from causing symptoms to not being a problem at all. Right now, it's low, but I'm doing good. Partly mine is caused by high doses of the beta blocker that I'm on.
Hope this helps, and you get to feeling "more alize" soon. ( I know how it feels :( )


by batman007 - 2008-11-12 05:11:14

Are you on Cozaar?


by lryegbert - 2008-11-12 06:11:12

no not that one i am on 17 drugs but not that one

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

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Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.