Visiting the dentist

Hi everyone, just a quick question. I have had my PM for about 7 weeks now and I was supposed to see the dentist about a cavity and they said they wouldn't see me until I had my PM for 6 months. Has anyone had that happen? What would be the risk at the dentist office? Any words of wisdom? Thanks, Jean


The dentist and you PM

by maryanne - 2008-09-03 11:09:25

Years ago some of the equipment used in dental offices and PM's were not compatible and it was suggested that certain equipment not be used....what I have read recently states that there is little if any effect on PM's with current dental equipment.....but when in doubt check with the manufacturer or your doctor.....

Dentistry after pacemaker implant

by Angelie - 2008-09-04 01:09:31

I actually had a dentist appointment to have a small cavity filled 5 days after my pacemaker implant. I told my dentist about it, but he didn't mention any precautions. He just felt badly for me getting one at 33 years old. Although he knew about my heart problems, he was surprised that it had come to a pacemaker. He was kind of shocked, but that was for my overall health and did not seem overly concerned about antibiotics or precautions as far as me in the dental chair.
I know I wouldn't want to take antibiotics just for the heck of it. They're overprescribed anyways. I would think as long as your heart valves are alright, you should be alright without them. Also your pacemaker manual should state what appliances/devices to stay clear of. If an appliance isn't listed, then ask your physician. It's better to be safe, and appear a little silly than to possible cause yourself or your device harm.
Every situation and individual is unique, though, so just check with your doctor/dentist and follow his/her plan for your health.

Dentist Visit

by ela-girl - 2008-09-04 02:09:06

Hi, Jean.

Use the search feature in the upper right hand corner to search for previoius info. posted on this topic. My sister is a dental assistant working on her hygiene license. Some reasons why there are risks at the dentist's office are:

1. Ultrasonic cleaning machines (if your dentist's office even uses them). They can reset the pm and are hard to keep a distance away from the pm due to where the machine is used and where your pm is.

2. When a dentist works on your teeth, there is a risk of infection getting into the blood stream from bleeding gums and such.

Some dentists and cardiologists make their pm patients take antibiotics before a dental appotintment for a safety measures. Others do not think it is necessary. Some pm patients like to take them because it's "better safe than sorry." And some people HAVE to for other reasons.

I had a dental appointment within a month of getting my problems. My dentist (not my EP) made me take some antiobiotics before the appointment to be safe because the pm was so new. I've never had to take them since for an appointment, and I've had my pm for 2 years now.

So, maybe ask your cardiologist office if you should take any antibiotics and maybe for a letter to give to your dentist's office clearing you for dental work.

Best of luck!

Maybe good news!

by Gonnie - 2008-09-04 10:09:09

My dental office has switched to the ultrasonic cleaning device and I totally hate it! I have an appointment in November and may play the PM card to get her to go back to the old way. I'll also run it past my doctor. There could be a silver lining of sorts to this new hardware!


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