
It's 3 weeks now since I had my pacemaker.
The area around the pacemaker is still very tender , and sometimes a throbbing pain, worst if clothing touches that area. The pain is like someone stick a needle there, like a stinging or pulling pain. In the morning, it gets better but gets worst as the day goes on. When I stand up, it's like something pulling the skin downwards on the chest.
Also not much feeling in this area; quite numb.
Is this normal? how long to go before it gets better?



healing time

by joy1 - 2008-08-06 10:08:20

Hi Ken,

Everyone heals differently, Ken. There are alot of things which factor in. What you describe sounds similar to how I healed. When ever I talked to the doctor about it, she would palpate the site and like you, it was numbish to touch. I was told that it was healing fine. As for the pain, the doctor wasn't sure why it was hurting. Her response always made me feel like she didn't believe me.

Please don't be disheartened by what I'm about to say but use it as "a thought" when you speak to your doctor.My ICD continued hurting for months post implant. I was later to find out that they stitch the implant in place, with how many stitches, I don't know. During a time when I can honestly say I was probably not mentally stable, I attempted to cut out my device. When it healed, the sharp pain that I had lived with continuously was gone. About this same time, I had changed doctors. When I finally told them what I had done, they checked the sight and it was fine but I also told them about it not hurting as bad anymore, like something had loosened up. My surgeon said that was probably the case, that my cut had loosened the way the initial doctor had stitched it in.

Ken, I am not advocating doing what I did. What I am sharing is what may be the possible cause for the "stinging or pulling" pain your feeling. Talk to your doctor and if they disregard your pain, get a second opinion.

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