Disabled with a pacemaker

I had a pacemaker put in my chest two weeks ago. I am a disabled person for 66 years. I walk with crutches and have been walking with them for over 56 years. I was told not to use my crutches for two weeks after the operation. Are there any members in this group that are disabled and must use crutches? Are there any problems that I should look out for because I am disabled? Thanks for your time.


Crutches and implants

by joy1 - 2008-07-27 04:07:03

Hi wes1942,

I do not have a physical disability other than my heart and associated complications. But having had to use crutches ALOT throughout my life, I can see where you may run into alot of problems with continuing to use them. Also your body may have more problems accepting your PM.

If you use the kind of crutches which fit under your armpits, you may experience alot of discomfort in the armpit on the side your implant was done. For some reason, not always, the little beasties or the scar tissue which develops around them, or both, tend to migrate toward the armpit. Not everyone has this problem but many do.

The other thing I mentioned about it being harder for you body to accept your PM stems from my belief that you probably have extremely well developed pectoral muscles. If your PM was placed under the skin over the muscle it may rub your pectoral muscle and irritate it. People with less developed muscle on a whole, seem to have less discomfort. I'm surprised your doctor didn't recommend placing it in your abdomen, leaving your upper body free from any restrictions. You may eventually choose to have your device repositioned.

You are obviously no stranger to adversity. Though your PM should make your life over all better it is probably going to bring you added complications and problems which you will have to find solutions for both physically and in your heart (no pun intended). The members of this site are here to support you as you adjust.

The recipe for success is hope, love and alot of determination!



by VIOLIN - 2008-07-27 05:07:25

Dear Wes,
i broke my leg shortly after getting my pacemaker and had to work and had to use crutches. i was very concerned about the extrinsic pressure in the armpit may dislodge a lead. anyway i am fine but i did switch to Canadian crutches--they are the crutches that use the forearm instead of the armpit to support weight. hope that helps. think of the crutches that "Jerry's kids" use on the MD marathon. they worked better for me without any concern for the armpit and dislodging the lead. Best wishes.


Canadian Crutches eh!

by ElectricFrank - 2008-07-27 11:07:16

I had never heard them called Canadian Crutches. Anyway your suggestion is a good one. I have also used two canes in the same way when my back was acting up.


You know you're wired when...

Your device makes you win at the slot machines.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.