New Member / Police Officer & Pacer

I posted this question as response on another message, but decided to post it here as well. I am a new member and I am in need of some help. I am a police officer who had my pacer implanted in January 2008. I am desperately trying to return to full duty status and rapidly approaching a forced disability.

It has been suggested that I find any other officers working the beat with pacers. If anyone knows of an officer on patrol with a pacer, please contact me.


hi sir. go to search and type in police officer

by jessie - 2008-07-24 05:07:18

hi do this and it should bring up the info for other police officers in your situation. jessie

good luck

by cqmccann - 2008-07-25 02:07:25


I am a firefighter with the same problem. Am battling to get back on line myself. My cardiologist cleared me to full duty but HR and Admin of the City are not cooperating very well. Best of luck to you!

nurse here

by elfinbee - 2008-07-26 04:07:25

hello and welcome

the hospital where i work at is also refusing to take me back . i had mine pput in this past april. itwould seem that since being a hospital there would be no problem!

i am still not fully up to par, but maybe light duty would help you. they also refused this.

so i too am looking into permament disability. or maybe something else to do. desk job.

by the way my brother is a cop too.

Another view

by cybercop - 2008-10-30 10:10:06

Hey there, I have had a pacer put in in June 2006. I returned to work as a police officer after 4 months. I had been riding a desk before the implant, and continued to do so after. My doctor said I could do anything I wanted, but everyone told me to take the 60% tax free permanent partial disability since I was also at the 25 mark in my career. I was evaluated by the pension board doctor and occuppational therapist. Both advised I was not disabled, but could no longer work as a police officer since the potentila risk of having the leads damaged in a fight were ever present. The doctor advised that having the leads pulled out could even cause a heart attack.

I took the retirement and went to work teaching computer management. I miss the job, but realize that my limitations are more important than the possibility of death due to some punk who wants to fight.

I returned to full duty

by camgough - 2012-05-02 11:05:49

This is years later, but I returned to full duty as a police officer after having my pacemaker. My work left it up to me and my doctor. When I finally got the correct settings I returned.

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