New PM - Changes in BP

Hello folks,
I had a pm put in two weeks ago due to low pulse rate that's been diminishing for the past two years. Always had a mid- to hi 50's all my life, but it had dropped to 49 - Tiredness, plus 2 atrial fib attacks in a year - Doctor wanted the pm in to help with tiredness AND to be able to administer a beta blocker to reduce chances of atrial fib attacks.

After PM implant, next morning I haven't felt that good and alert in years. Other than soreness of implant incision site, felt great, but did have several lo-grade headaches during the day.

I had been checking my bp and heart rate at home - and what I noticed:
1. For the first time in my life, my bp had risen - Prior to PM, it ran an average of 118 / 74 - Immediately after the PM inplant, next morning in fact - It's been running 137 / 93 - pulse is great in low 70's - PM is a rate-responsive set to 60 min.

DOES a pm inplant change your pressure ? I thought just my heart rate.

2. Called doctor and he immediately put me on 50mg Atenolol - well, pressure has dropped - 114 / 88 to 92 - BUT the side effects are dizziness, eye-sight has changed, and some fatigue has come back. Told the doctor about this and he said he was going to use the Beta Blocker anyway to reduce the atrial fib attacks.

SORRY for the rambling, but I'm new at this and just concerned that what I am feeling - only two weeks after surgery - is "normal".

Thanks so much in advance,


Changes in Blood Pressure

by Pookie - 2008-07-20 09:07:50

Hi Cthiggin and welcome to this wonderful and informative site.

I can't answer your questions, sorry, but there are a lot of people on this site who can and will. There are several people here that are on the same beta blocker too.

I too had a pacemaker because my heart was always below 60 and dipping into the 30s while sleeping. My blood pressure has always been low. But 114/88 is not that bad if you feel better. My BP runs around 110/72 and that's good for me as before the pacemaker the top # was always below 100!!

Beta Blockers are famous for making you feel like a slug. If you are on other drugs too, perhaps you should consult with your pharmacist as sometimes they can help you with a schedule which might improve things slightly for you.

And you are not "rambling"!! ask as many questions as you want!!! We're here to support one another. and gosh only knows what is "normal" anymore! ... you're just 2 weeks post-op...expect to feel tired and not yourself as we all heal at different rates.


BP Changes

by SMITTY - 2008-07-20 10:07:13

Hello Cthiggin,

As Pookie said, don't conclude that the way things are now are as good as they will get. It takes a few weeks to sometimes a few months and several pacemaker adjustments for some to get to the good part. Like you,I felt, as I described it, more awake a few days after getting my pacemaker than I had in a long time.

I am one of those people that have lots of trouble with beat blockers and I also have an opinionated block headed cardiologist that insists that I take the things, no matter how bad they make me feel. He say that side effect usually goes away in a few weeds. Well it has been 5 months and I'm still waiting. In my case it is get another cardiologist or follow the orders of this one.

An increase in BP is not uncommon after a PM implant, especially if you heart rate has been increased a good bit. With your heart beating faster it is pumping more blood but that increased blood flow is going through those same blood vessels that was handling a lower blood flow during the lower heart rate. Its the same as with any liquid flow, when you increase the amount of liquid through a pipe or tube of a given size you will increase back pressure thereby increasing the outlet pressure. I think that is what happens to us with new pacemakers that increases our heart rate. At least that is what my cotton patch logic leads me to believe.

So be patient and keep your doctor informed so he will know why you need some changes in something.

Good luck,


Thank You Smitty

by LIVE_STRONG - 2008-07-20 11:07:59

I have only posted a few times...I am still in denial. BUT I will be getting mt PM on Friday.
I am so thankful for people like you. I enjoy reading your make me feel like I will be okay...which is HUGE!
As I am sure you have been where I am at mentally.


Thank you Pookie & Smitty

by cthiggin - 2008-07-21 12:07:50

Thanks so much for your quick reply.
Your explainations were very concise and let's me know that things are "normal" at this early stage.
You know, so many doctors cannot empathize with us since they don't have pm's yet. My doctor said he didn't know "why" my pressure had increased, but it makes absolutle sense that if you're pumping more and faster, pressure will increase. Go figure.
The greatness in alertness and overall feeling great with no tiredness was negated somewhat with the beta-blocker. It's like having steak and then being moved back to cheap hamburger. Hopefully, I will stablize and things will improve.
Thanks so very much - I highly appreciate your explainations and information.

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