how long...

before i can start moving my arm normally again ?
had a new sub-pectoral impant under my right side and as i'm right handed, i'm finding it difficult to do everything with my left.
(had op two weeks ago)

I'm scared of getting a frozen shoulder - Was driving today and it really hurt (although i wasnt moving my arm much)
Had left sided device planted just under the skin last year and it was never as sore as this one.
was moving relatively pain free after about a week last time


me too

by Lizzie - 2009-07-06 06:07:30

I"m interested in answers to your question too.
I'm getting my long hair cut tomorrow because I can't manage it with my arm movements restricted. I am 4 days post implant and doing well. On left side and the pain is easily manageable with Panadol.
Can't wait to get back into my life activities. The technician did say that if you can't remember not to use your arm, put it in a sling! He said at least 4 weeks if not longer,.
I guess that a few weeks of arm restriction is worth not having a lead come adrift inside.
Good luck

4-6 weeks I was told before unlimited movement

by COBradyBunch - 2009-07-06 10:07:42

I was out of my sling after two days (although I was told to sleep with it since I like to have my arms over my head in my sleep) but I was told no lifting anything greater than 5 lbs for a few weeks, and then nothing more than 25 lbs and no lifting my arm above my head for 4-6 weeks. I two weeks in and still very tender around the site (not to the touch but to movement) with a tearing/stretching feeling a lot with any type of movement. Ibuprofen helps but the pain is still nagging even after two weeks.

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